Jimmy Campbell and Bob Boutique host fundraiser ‘Trinity’ Day

On Wednesday 8th of July the Jimmy Campbell group will host a ‘Trinity’Day to raise awareness and money for Trinity Hospice.

Trinity Hospice treats terminally ill patients whilst also providing emotional and practical support for their loved ones and families free of charge. Not only are Jimmy Campbell and Bob Boutique donating 50 per cent of all takings on the day they will also have prizes up for grabs in each of the four salons located in Clapham and Fulham. Various prizes will be hidden in balloons that are £2 ‘a pop’ which range from hair products to beauty treatments to lifestyle experiences.

The founding members of the Jimmy Campbell Group, Ash Mohammed and Jimmy Campbell, each lost a close family member to Cancer. They decided to support the organisation as ‘Cancer does not see colour, race, age or sex – it just takes that person’. Both felt that the help of organisations like the Hospice make a big difference to families during such difficult times. Jimmy Campbell went on to say, ‘the main reason Trinity Hospice exists is to help families by relieving the stress, pain and everything else that goes on behind the disease. So having the assistance of an organisation like the Hospice makes the situation less traumatic’.

So if you want to look good and raise money for charity call Jimmy Campbell 020 7771 1135 or Bob Boutique 020 7223 1741 to book an appointment or for more information visit or

Words by Natalie Vincent

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