job hunting tips

Landing a new job can be an exciting time in anyone’s professional career.

It allows you to make new connections, put your skills to the test and transform your daily commute – but hunting for your dream job can be a challenge. Below, we’ve put together some top tips for job seekers looking to find their next exciting position.

Look for roles on specialist recruitment websites

While you may think that a generic job website has everything you need to find your perfect role, signing up for a specialist recruitment website is often a more sensible decision. If you’re looking for a position in residential and domiciliary care, for example, then you could consider signing up to Employ Social Care. Not only can specialist recruitment companies be used to find a job, but it means that every position advertised will be relevant to you.

Start networking on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the world’s most popular professional network, so it makes sense to sign up for an account and connect with friends, colleagues and professionals that you know. LinkedIn is home to millions of job postings that you won’t find on other recruitment websites, so it’s essential that you have an active presence on the site if you want to find the best available positions. However, LinkedIn isn’t the only social network where you need to be professional. As TechCrunch reports, Facebook has announced plans to offer job listings features to its billion users, so clean up your Facebook profile as soon as possible!

Make your CV and cover letter count every time

The fundamentals of a good CV and cover letter will never change, but it’s important that you give every job application your all by tailoring your CV and cover letter to the role’s key requirements and skills. If you’re applying for a job that requires management experience, then make sure your management experience is prominently highlighted on your CV, and make reference to the responsibilities and duties you held in a previous position. In today’s competitive job market, you cannot afford to be lazily copying and pasting cover letters for every job you see advertised – you have to personalise your application to stand out.

Broaden your horizons

If you have experience in recruitment, then you may think that you’ll spend the rest of your life in recruitment. However, it’s easy to move into a new career with no relevant experience on your CV – you just need to know how to sell your skills and demonstrate why you’re the right choice. By broadening your horizons and considering alternative career paths, you’ll be able to find a job that’s challenging, demanding and enjoyable.

There you have it – four job hunting tips that you should follow this year. Whether you’re looking for a career change or you just want to climb the ladder, take advantage of our top tips for finding the perfect role. Good luck!