mothers day

Mothers are special, wonderful creatures, not dissimilar to unicorns or those mysterious narwhals that reside in the cold waters near Greenland.

I consider my Mum to be my best friend. This is simply because, in my eyes, a best friend is someone who will be brutally honest with you, sets time aside to see you and is the person you know will always be there in a tough situation – three requirements she meets regularly.

Mums are rocks all the way through your life; they’re there throughout your school years encouraging you with your studies and extra curriculum activities and steering you away from that weird friend who could lead you down a dark and dangerous path.

They’re there in your teenage years, offering you a shoulder to cry on – when you’re not going through a crazy hormonal moment and screaming about her being unfair.

And they’re still there when you’re 25 and ringing them to ask if driving with one headlight is actually illegal and they make you march your sorry self down to Halfords to pick one up at seven at night. Mother knows best – she really does.

Mums make the perfect best friend and here are ten ways you know if you’re best friends with that special lady in your life…

1. You can’t bear going more than a week without seeing her
A week feels like a very long time without seeing or speaking to your Mum, if you guys are best friends. That’s why you probably have an allocated day of the week when you get together for a catch up or ring for a chat. Every Friday I finish work and I go round to my Mum’s for dinner to spend the evening with her; it’s a good opportunity to see my whole family as my sister also returns home from university but I will always sit in the kitchen with my Mum as she cooks dinner, chatting animatedly about things that have happened throughout the week, what’s annoyed us and what we’ve watched on television.

She provides the main course and I always pick up dessert, usually texting her on a Wednesday to see what she fancies. This tradition started after I moved out of their house and into rented accommodation and hopefully it will stick around forever more.

2. You can communicate completely using facial expressions – or emojis
Best friends don’t even need words to communicate and you and your Mum have got this fine art all worked out. In an awkward situation a wide eyed stare or a raised eyebrow speaks volumes and you can basically let each other know what you think without letting anyone else in the room know.

It’s the same with emojis. You probably think your Mum is adorable when she sends you a text filled with crying faces (and perhaps a knife emoji) at a certain time of day and you understand exactly what it means – she’s had a rough day at work and needs to rant and you’ll always text back to hear about what’s upset her.

Sometimes her texts can remind you of the messages featured on that Instagram account crazyyourmom but while she’s jokingly calling you a wimp when you tell her you feel sick, you also love having long conversations with her most evenings and not even caring that she still says LOL after every sentence and actually hashtags certain words. #winewednesday is definitely a thing.

3. You share the same interests
Do you and your Mum love the same shows, read the same books or share a strong sense of wanderlust you intend to act upon one day? There’s something special about sharing these types of experiences together and introducing them to new things you each discover.

For example, I grew up on a diet of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the X-Files and Supernatural all thanks to my Mum. Anything vampire related or sci-fi themed we’d usually watch it together and have shared the experience of finishing a fair few series. We still enjoy these interests together now as she tapes the Walking Dead when it returns each season to watch with me on a Friday or I’ll text her about upcoming shows she might find of interest – X Files reboot anyone?

4. You feel like you can tell her pretty much anything – and she’ll keep it a secret
Mums have usually been around the block when it comes to work, relationships, friendships and moving house, so she knows just what to say when you go to her with a problem and you feel confident that she won’t tell anyone unless you say it’s okay – not even your Dad.

Sure, depending on what’s happened you might tell her some of these things like six months later, once the initial panic or stress is over because you are worried about her reaction, but then when you drop your big secret she’s perfectly calm and talks you through what you should have done.

mothers day

5. You’ll drop whatever you’re doing to help each other out
She needs you to give up an hour on a Sunday to walk her dog because she’s out all day or you need a lift to a party because you refuse to pay £9 for a taxi – either way both of you give up your time and drop what you’re doing to help each other out and you know that the other person is always at the other end of the phone – no matter what time of day.

6. You like to treat her every now and then for no reason – and even more on birthdays and Christmas
A little bunch of flowers here, a personalised gift from Photobox there, or a bottle of wine (Mums love wine) – you know the way to your Mum’s heart and every now and then you get the urge to show her you love her with a gift. Then, when it comes to birthdays and Christmas all the rules go out the window.

Last Christmas, I told everyone my budget was really tight, so they wouldn’t be getting much… then I bought my Mum tickets to see Bryan Adams that cost over £100. I mean, I’ll be going with her so it’s worth the money and we love that Canadian crooner. I spent a lot on my Dad and sister too to be honest though; I have no self-control.

7. You’ve taken every step to ensure you never move away from her
If you plan your Rightmove search on areas within a reasonable walking distance to your Mum’s house, then you know you’re best friends and can’t bear to be too far apart.
You know that when she’s really old and you’re older, you’ll either buy matching bungalows next door or move into the family home again to care for her.

8. You might not see eye to eye at times, but it doesn’t take you long to make up

It’s no secret that Mums and daughters knock heads sometimes and over the years you’ve more than likely argued over things both big and small but always end up apologising and making up a few hours later because you hate being mad at each other.

This is how you know you and your Mum are besties. You can’t bear to leave things unresolved and find it easy to forgive one another – although I’m still not sure my Mum’s over that time when I spilt bright orange nail polish on her expensive white bedding.

9. People genuinely mistake you for sisters
Whether it’s because your Mum is a fox and you share clothes or you are just so similar people can’t believe there’s a 25-year age gap between the pair of you, cashiers and the general public just automatically assume you’re sisters when you’re together. You usually take it as a compliment (unless it’s a creepy salesman); after all it’s a confidence boost for her and who wouldn’t want to be so similar to their Mum that they must be super close sisters?

10. You’ve realised you’re basically turning into her and you have no problem with it at all   Half a bottle of wine on a weeknight, keeping every carrier bag you receive ‘just in case’ and sharing the same thoughts on a certain (older) celebrity might make you question whether you are actually turning into your mother – and hey, you’re perfectly okay with it. She’s an awesome lady and you’ve got a lot to learn from her still.