There’s little more infuriating than trying to apply makeup when you’re in a rush. When your alarm clock has refused to cooperate, you’ve lost your lipstick and you’re left fumbling for foundation, it’s easy to turn up at work with makeup bordering on that of a demented clown.

In an effort to avoid such a scenario, British women actually spend around three hours and 19 minutes every week applying makeup – which equates to a year and three months of their lives.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

What if you could leave the house looking great, but with the minimum of exertion? What if you could free yourself from the shackles of your makeup bag and embrace an au naturel look?

Here’s how …

Choose the Mineral Route
If you spend a huge chunk of your hard-earned cash on expensive makeup that leaves your skin blotchier and drier than a Ryvita in the desert, it’s high time you switched on to the many advantages of mineral makeup.

Perfect for covering any skin imperfection, mineral makeup is light and breathable, offering you a youthful and flawless appearance. Best of all, however, you’ll be free of those nasty chemicals so prevalent in many of your typical cosmetics.

Drink More Water
If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a million times, but drinking more water will markedly improve the appearance of your skin. As a result, rather than guzzling down your usual collection of fizzy drinks and alcohol, grab some much-needed H2O to help your skin glow.

Indeed, nature’s thirst quencher helps your circulation, which means the more you drink, the faster your blood flows. In most cases, around eight glasses of water a day is recommended but be sure to up your intake if you’re participating in exercise or in a warm environment for extended periods.

Hit the Gym Hard
When you’re a busy career girl with an even busier social life, it can often be hard to fit the gym into your life – but if you want skin that glows brighter than ET’s finger, it’s vital you find time to hit the cross trainer, go for a swim or lift some weights.

In fact, working out helps purge your body of nasty toxins, which can contribute to block your pores and lead to unsightly pimples and blemishes. Importantly, however, make sure you shower immediately after a workout to prevent bacterial infections from dirt clogging your pores.

Now we want you to have your say…

Do you have any natural beauty tips you’d like to share with our readers? Please let us know by leaving a comment below – we’d love to hear your thoughts.