Photo of the baptist grill holborn

L’oscar’s The Baptist Grill has launched a new summer menu, focussing on fresh and seasonal ingredients.

Under the guidance of Head Chef Tony Fleming, The Baptist Grill will serve new starters such as Seared Scallops with guanciale, fennel, basil and strawberry vinaigrette and the delightful Herb Farfalle with trombetta courgettes, Chilcot goat’s cheese and marjoram.

The Baptist Grill’s signature Vegetable Pithivier dish has also been given a seasonal update and is now served with aubergine caviar, Ogleshield cheese, leeks and romesco sauce.

For a refreshing taste of summer and a burst of colour for mains, try the Steamed Cornish Cod with Jersey royals, cucumber, lovage oil and watercress sauce or the Spiced Best End of Herdwick Lamb with braised carrots, yoghurt, mint dressing.

Baptist Grill: 2-6 Southampton Row, Holborn, London WC1B 4AA