lucy-ambacheLucy Ambache is not only one of Choice FM’s breakfast show presenters but she’s also a writer, host and DJ. A woman with many creative talents, for Lucy, working in radio is not only the ‘best job in the world’ but it’s been her life-long goal. She’s worked hard to get to where she is and the next step for her is TV world domination! Here she gives Flavour an insight into working within the radio industry, her fashion style as well as talking about the reason why she an co-host Martin Jay didn’t get along at first.

Who is Lucy Ambache?
I’m pretty much me on the radio. I’m not acting out some kind of alter-ego. I think that if someone did listen to my radio show that they’ll understand that I do keep it real. I’m fun, loud, lively, a bit annoying, but you get used to me. I love my music. Some people think that I’m a dumb blonde on the air, but I have been a DJ before – well, I still am.

What’s it like working with Martin?
It’s been up and down, but it’s more up than down because we’ve got used to each other. We’re opposites in every way – not only to look at, but also in our opinions. We’ll never agree on anything and that’s completely natural. Now it’s really funny, because we’ve done a lot of work abroad. We could go out for lunch and I could order him lunch to a T, exactly how he wants it. We’re kind of like a married couple. We’re like, complete opposites that work.

When you’re not presenting the breakfast show on Choice FM, do you do anything else related to music or journalism?
All sorts of stuff, hosting shows, that’s great I love that, a bit of TV. I did some stuff for MTV Base last year and I’d really love to do a lot more of that. A little bit of writing.

What kind of writing?
I’d love to do a book some day.

Before working at Choice FM where else did you work?
I did student radio and this radio station in Enfield called Cool FM. That was playing really cheesy pop and nobody was listening. It was just a brilliant way of practising.

Do you have any stories of getting treated really badly while at work?
The worst job was working as a washing up person in a restaurant in France. It was so hot and wet and everyone was shouting at me in French. It was a nightmare! I’m not surprised I got sacked.

What’s the worst and best thing about working for Choice FM?
Playing the music that I love, playing brand new music. I just have the best job in the world! I love my job. It just couldn’t get any better! I’m just so lucky. The worst thing is getting up in the morning. Other than that, nothing!

Lucy Ambache and Martin Jay talks live on Choice FM about Flavour Magazine

How does it feel being interviewed rather than being the interviewer?
It’s a bit strange, I’m not in control.

Are you into fashion?
I don’t know, what do you think? (We both laugh as I look at what she’s wearing). I am, but at 4:30 in the morning, fashion isn’t the first thing on my mind. It’s probably the last.

What would you rather do? Spend £1,000 on a Louis Vuitton bag or blow £1,000 at H&M?
I’d take the £1,000 and spend it at H&M, definitely. I don’t overspend on clothes at all; I’m not into designer stuff. Sometimes it’s good to spend good money on shoes.

If you could sum up your style into three words what would they be?
Messy, sporty, funky-comfortable.

Where do you like to shop?
ASOS is good, but I end up getting 10 things and sending eight of them back! Harrods is really good for a really nice jacket and good shoes. I think you’ve got to do the high street and get your few posh items and mix and match them together.

Words by Denise Kodia