How to Make the Best Bedroom Ever


You might think of a bedroom as simply a place for sleep and intimacy, but this room can be so much more.

If you’re sharing an apartment with roommates, it can often be the case that there is no living room, and your bedroom becomes your place to unwind or even to get creative. You’ve probably come a long way from your décor simply being posters of David Beckham or Britney Spears, so it’s time to bring your bedroom into adulthood.

If you feel absolutely clueless as to what your bedroom should include, then read our tips for making the coolest bedroom ever.


Said to induce calm and relaxation, a few pot plants scattered around your room will always go down a treat. Furthermore, other than simply looking nice, plants give you something to care for (provided you haven’t already got a child or pet).

Reading chair

No, not just another place to throw your clothes onto, a comfortable reading chair adds an air of class and sophistication into your bedroom, as you sip a glass of whisky while perusing the works of Hemingway. Or browsing Facebook on your laptop with a can of Fosters. Either way, it’s enjoyable to sit on a comfy chair – not hunched over on your bed.


Speaking of beds, an ex-roommate’s hand-me-down mattress might be fine for a temporary stay, but if you’re planning on long-term, then choose your mattress wisely. Memory foam mattresses are starting to become all the rage, as looking after your body doesn’t just mean trips to the gym and kale smoothies, but ensuring your back and neck are well supported during sleep. This review of an Eve memory foam mattress can tell you all that you need to know, and it can also be found on Amazon here if you think you’re ready to upgrade your mattress game.

Fairy lights

You could have the messiest bedroom in the world, and it would still look celestial and beautiful when lit up by fairy lights. Also a cheap and effective way to set the mood…


There’s only so many times you can gaze at a poster of a heartthrob musician and these are often passing fads anyway – *hastily rips down NSYNC poster*. Real hand drawn artwork is poignant, everlasting, and has hidden depths upon multiple viewings. (well done getting that domain name) contains hundreds of beautiful and affordable prints that are begging to be hung up on the wall.

Congratulations, your bedroom is now officially hospitable.

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