Make sure you do these 4 types of travel one day

We all know that the world of travel is constantly changing, but we also have to change with it. No longer are we confined to what’s on our doorstep, we can see places both far exotic whenever we feel the wanderlust.

When someone says the word ‘travel’, our minds automatically jump to the thought of arriving at the airport, queuing up in 100 lines, sitting uncomfortably on the plane, and then finally getting to your destination. But why does travelling have to be the boring part? The traveling itself could be the journey. We think these four ways of travelling should be experienced some day.

A train in and around the Swiss Alps

Taking the train might not seem that exciting, considering that many of us take the underground to work every day, but it’s highly likely you don’t get views like you would if you took the Glacier Express. On this very special train, you’ll witness the Swiss Alps in a way that’s unique. The journey takes close to 8 hours and lets you see some of the greatest nature that Switzerland has to offer, not to mention a very lavish onboard experience!

A classy private jet

We should all feel like a VIP at some point in our life, and one of the easiest ways to do that is to take a private jet. This is something most of us associate with the incredibly wealthy or famous, but it’s not always the case, because if you look online then you may well find affordable tickets that aren’t so much more than the cost of taking a commercial flight. There are actually some parts of the world which are best suited to a private jet, as getting there any other way is near impossible. Plus, the knowledge that you could skip security queues and arrive just a few minutes before your scheduled flight time is definitely worth its weight in gold.

An adventure on your own

When do we have time to truly find ourselves? In our hectic world and busy lifestyles, we rarely get a chance to simply think by ourselves somewhere. When you travel alone, you give yourself the opening to see how well you can handle things unaided. You can go to some peaceful area of the world and reflect and then hopefully come back to your normal life re-energised and full of vigour. This could be a Eurotrip or simply a weekend getaway, but whatever you do, do it alone.

Take a cruise through the fjords of Norway

Although you could go in winter, taking a summer trip through the fjords is likely to be more fun. This is where you can feel the silence and take in some of the world’s most natural beauty – it doesn’t get much better than the fjords in Norway. Many of these cruises allow for stop-offs in popular Norwegian cities like Bergen and Oslo, with the whole trip lasting around 7 to 8 incredible days.