Belinda Webb, was our lucky reader that won our Meet and Greet Cover Drive competition. Here’s what she had to say about her prize.

BW: As we arrived, we were greeted by a member of the academy and told us what would be happening in regards to entry, the meet and greet and gig itself. After around ten minutes, we entered the venue and got directed to the room in which the meet and greet would be taking place. A queue was formed and we were told what would happen and within minutes CoverDrive burst into the room. They said a massive hello to everybody and then began individual meet and greets. We were all in the same room whilst it took place which was nice considering you got to spend all that time in their presence and they would always pop up to make comments as well as jokes.

I was third up and went straight over to Amanda who I gave a massive hug and she greeted me warmly asking my name. As I answered T-Ray popped his head round and said “Ah! I know Belinda” which made me smile a lot, as we tweet often always joking around. I must admit he is my favourite member! I went over to him after speaking to Amanda and gave him a hug also, he was so lovely and funny. I then nipped over to Jamar, gave him a big hug and said a few kind words. As well as then receiving a hug from Barry who was also very sweet.

Once I had said hello and hugged them all, I was called over by Amanda for our group picture and got between her and Jamar whilst It was being taken. They then all collectively signed my poster and handed it to me. After that, I had another group conversation with them, where Amanda was asking if I would be dancing and singing away with them, which lead to an obvious “yes!” In response. After so, we said our goodbyes. We stayed in the room whilst all the others took place. However, I was allowed back into the queue for another photo. So as I got back to the front of the queue, T-Ray turned around and said “hey you’re back? .. Cheeky!” Which made me laugh. We then took individual pictures, had a little joke and finished with the group recording some bits with us before they said another goodbye to us all.

After which we were lead back into the venue which was nicely set up. Within the next few hours, the support acts had played and CoverDrive were on. They were amazing and have such an incredible atmosphere at their gigs as they did when they were last in the UK supporting JLS on their previous summer tour. Collectively they interact so well with the audience and put on a flawless show. I would truly recommend anybody to go to one of their shows. They’re such genuine people and are so nice to their fans.

I want to say a final thank you to Flavourmag for making this all possible. It was an incredible experience and set up so nicely and smoothly.

By Belinda Webb