Meg Turney EXCLUSIVE interview with the geek gaming goddess

We finally managed to interview geek gaming goddess and youtube star Meg Turney, but it wasn’t easy. 6 months of salacious and compelling tweets, inbox messages and enough compliments to fill a book of poems. Meg Turney finally answered all the questions we sent over for her interview with

“Holy crap I finally did it! Can you believe it?! Lol”

That was the opening paragraph in Meg Turney’s email reply to us after the long wait we had to endure. We couldn’t help but to smile and laugh when we saw the opening line. She had won over our heart once again and it was worth the wait. The interview went like this.

Hi Meg, its great to finally get an interview with you for Flavourmag. As we are UK based we would like to introduce to our UK fan base so tell us who is Meg Turney and what do you do?

Sure! Hey everyone, I’m Meg and basically, I’m just a nerd who somehow lucked into turning my passions into my career. I come from a big family of gamers so I’ve been playing video games since I could hold a controller. I work for a company called Rooster Teeth and I get to talk about gaming, tech, and entertainment news all day and I travel around the US and even outside the country from time to time doing cosplay at various conventions.

We love your funky style, do you create your own looks or do you have your own personal stylist?

Awww, thanks! I wish I had a stylist, but it’s just me and my overflowing closet locked in a love-hate relationship.

We’ve been watching you for a while now and we know that the Me In My Place photo shoot happened a while ago, however for those of us who have been living under a rock, tell how this came about.

Related: Jessica Nigri & Meg Turney put the A in Ass in these raunchy new photos wearing Virgin Killer Sweaters

I’ve known girls who’ve done Me In My Place shoots before and I just absolutely loved the way their photos came out. I was interested in boudoir modeling and did a shoot with my friend Keith Battista from It’s Only A Body in a similar style to MIMP and they saw the photos and reached out to do a shoot. The photos from both shoots are lovely and I feel incredibly honoured to have shot with both photographers.

Did you ever envisage yourself as a sex symbol?

Not at all! I was in marching band in high school. I had Lord of the Rings trading cards and binders covered in pictures of Sailor Moon and Legolas. I’m the girl (still) who pulls down her skirt every five steps because she thinks it’s too short – I certainly never considered myself “sexy”.

Whats the hardest part of being you?

Hmmm… I guess that most of my job is on YouTube and the commenters there (and well, really anywhere on the internet) can be cruel. If you’re proud of the way you look, if you’re comfortable with your body, a lot of people automatically think you can’t have any opinions about anything. They make snap judgements and have no reason to change their minds. You work very hard not to let it get to you, but I’m someone that get frustrated when I see anything that’s not true written about anyone I know, so it can be tough to deal with it all the time.

What the easiest part of being you?

My life is genuinely lush. I have an amazing support system of family, friends, and fans who are always there to give advice so I always have a sounding board when I need it.

Name 3 of your favourite UK celebs

I’m about halfway through Gavin and Stacey right now, so I have to say Ruth Jones is at the top of that list. She’s hilarious. I also have a big crush on Theo James and Orlando Bloom.

If you could work with anyone Dead or Alive which 3 would you choose?

Hmmm… working with them would be kinda strange, but I have a degree in history, so I’d love to meet Anne Frank and Mark Twain. As for someone who’s alive, I would love to meet the President. He seems so damn cool.

What can we expect from Meg Turney in 2015?

I have a lot going on this year! Photo shoots, conventions – I’ll be all over the place. It’s going to be an exciting year!

If we keep our fingers crossed will we be seeing more sexy Meg Turney photo shoots?

I’ve got 3 in the next month! You’re going to get sick of me!

We could never get sick of you Meg, it’s impossible. Here are some quick-fire questions are you ready? Victoria’s Secret or Agent Provocateur??

Victoria’s Secrets. It’s just more readily available here.

PS4 or Xbox One?

Both. Choosing is overrated!

Skirt or Leggings?

Skirt – good excuse to wear heels.

Leonardo Di Caprio or Brad Pitt?

Leo. I have Romeo and Juliet on Blu-Ray. He is soooo hot in that damn movie.

Scarlett Johansson or Jennifer Lawrence?

Jennifer Lawrence hands down.

Rihanna or Miley Cyrus?

Rihanna – she’s snarky and I love it.

And finally tell us a secret about Meg Turney

I’m afraid of the dark.

Follow Meg Turney on twitter, facebook and youtube.

By @LeonardWFoster

Check out Meg Turney’s dating tips here, bet you can’t guess what we asked Meg? Leave your comments below

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