Mexican DJ Gior Em releases latest single ‘Na Na’

Gior Em

‘Na Na’ is the latest entertaining and catchy track from Mexican producer Gior Em.

Exploring the dark side of the impacts of Coronavirus ‘Na Na’ reflects the negative social impacts of lockdown. The track moves from light to dark, expressing the hope that Gior Em has for the future, with strings emitting tranquillity and peace.

Beginning his career at 12 years old as a DJ in Mexico City, Gior Em spent three years playing at large parties and competing at national competitions. Using his music to tell stories, Gior Em pushes himself with each new song to give the listener something new. At the age of just 17, Gior Em has appeared on radio stations (EXA 98.3 ‘El Paso Texas’) on the program ‘Space Gigs’.

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