Millie Mackintosh has launched a new clothing line which is now available to buy on her website The collection consists of dresses, tops, jumpsuits and separates.

As we are fans of Millie, we decided to breakdown the process of how to launch a successful celebrity clothing line in 5 easy (some of you may beg to differ) steps. If Millie can do it, you can do it too. So get your pens and notepads on the ready as you will need to follow these 5 steps to a tee, in order for this to work.

Step 1. Choose your heritage before your born.

Millie Mackintosh’s ancestors where the inventors of Quality Street, Caramac and Toffee Crisp. This immediately give you kudos from birth and puts you in a position to mix and mingle with the top industry heads as well as giving you loads of opportunities in life.

Every time I see a family buying a box of Quality Street for Christmas, it makes me think that my ancestors are responsible for that

Step 2. Get yourself on TV.

Find a new programme that’s about to launch on TV that showcases the lives of the rich and use it as a platform to spring board yourself into the public eye. Build your followers on twitter, instagram and facebook. Once you have built a huge following you can then start to promote your products to your fans and have them hanging on to your every word.


Step 3. Bag yourself a famous/superstar husband and become the envy of all women.

Simply call up FHM or GQ magazine and do a stunning and salacious photo shoot for their front cover. Then someone like Professor Green will see the photo shoot and immediately fall in love with you, before long you will be going on dates and soon enough he will pop the big question and you will be married. Job Done!

FHM December 2011 cover Millie Mackintosh

Step 4. Design a nice clothing range.

Design a nice range of clothing, model them yourself, sell them on your website and other sites and soon enough you will have your fans wearing your clothing.

Step 5. The promo.

Now that you have successfully completed the previous 4 steps, all that’s left for you to do now is the promotion of your clothing line. This step is probably the easiest of all, as its very easy to get into the news by doing NUDE PHOTO SHOOTS. Go topless for every magazine that is willing to have you, post a sexy selfie on instagram to remind everyone how hot your are then attend events with your husband wearing low neck line outfits that clearly shows you are topless underneath. The media will then go into a friendzy, just like we have on and they will do all the promotion for you.

Millie Mackintosh NUDE

Millie Mackintosh NUDE


And there you have it. 5 simple and easy steps on how to launch a celebrity clothing line. So what are you waiting for? Grab your opportunity now. However if these 5 simple steps are too much for you, you can simply to and buy something there.