lea michelle naked womens health cover

Lea Michelle, Binky Felsted, Gemma Atkinson, Cherry Healey, Alex Scott, the England Rugby team, Iskra Lawrence, Tara Stiles, Jenny Meadows all pose naked for Women’s Health Magazine’ The Naked Issue’.

Photographed by John Wright, these amazing women bare all for the Women’s Health Naked Issue UK 2016.

Lea michelle naked for women's health cover
Women’s Health – The Naked Issue cover with Lea Michelle

Scream Queen and Glee star Lea Michelle poses on the cover of the magazine and says,

Being naked isn’t really an issue for me’, I’m not perfect. I’m not trying to represent myself as being some perfect girl, but I love myself, flaws and all.

lea michelle naked womens health
Lea Michelle naked for Women’s Health: Image John Wright

MIC star Binky Felsted is also featured in the Naked Issue and reflects on becoming more body conscious since the launch of Made in Chelsea in 2011 and being in the public eye didn’t help says Binky…

Binky felsted Naked

Former Hollyoaks actress Gemma Atkinson says she is in the best shape at the moment at 11st 1 with more muscle and less body fat. Gemma says,

‘Ive never been naturally slim, I have to work at it. Eating well and getting fit is about feeling amazing – looking good in  a bikini is just a by-product.

Gemma Atkinson Naked

The England Rugby team with features Heather Fisher, Amy Wilson-Hardy, Danielle Waterman, Claire Allan and Michaela Staniford and is amazing image for body-shape. Every female being beautiful in her own form is a bold statement on body issues.

England rugby team naked

Arsenal Ladies captain Alex Scott has revealed plans to hang up her boots in the near future, but the defender still appears to be in perfect shape if her naked photoshoot for Women’s Health. Alex says,

My body shape has transformed as sports science research has developed. It used to be thought that footballers needed to be big and do lots of weights and little cardio. Now that thinking has changed, I’m leaner, more athletic, and nutrition has become more important. I’m so proud of my body and what it’s let me achieve.

alex scott naked for womens health