Many men who regularly shave will understand the frustration and irritation that comes along with getting razor bumps or a shaving rash.

These small, red bumps are caused by hairs which remain inside the hair follicle and begin growing into the skin, often appearing angrily on the surface of the face, not only causing irritation and sometimes pain but also ruining the look of a freshly-shaved face. However, you’ll be glad to hear that you don’t have to give up shaving altogether in order to deal with razor bumps. Here are some of the best home remedies that you might like to try.

Prevention is Better Than Cure

Shaving rash is definitely one of those things that you would rather prevent than have to deal with. Thankfully, there are many things that you can do when shaving in order to minimize the risk of suffering with razor bumps and rashes afterward. For example, you might want to change your razor or use an electric razor instead. If you cut your own hair, you can get some of the best hair clipper and electric razor sets or even a two-in-one product to save money, time and energy. Along with that, it’s important to make sure that your skin is moisturized and that you’re using the right products before shaving.

Aloe Vera

When it comes to natural remedies for soothing irritated skin, aloe vera is one of the best. The most effective way to use this is straight from the plant; you can do this by snipping off the tip of a leaf and squeezing the gel out directly onto the skin in order to soothe your razor burn. You can also purchase aloe vera gel at a number of drugstores, but be careful to only buy organic and natural products.

Witch Hazel

A natural antiseptic, witch hazel is a great product to use for reducing inflammation in the skin and works wonders on razor bumps or shaving rash. To start seeing results quickly, you should apply witch hazel directly to the irritated bumps on your face.

Lemon Juice

Since lemons are naturally acidic, you can use lemon juice to stop bacteria from colonizing any ingrown hair follicles which are causing razor bumps. Applying lemon juice to shaving rash or razor bumps will help to reduce the red, swollen appearance and prevent irritation.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree essential oil is a natural antibacterial agent, and can be hugely effective in getting rid of the symptoms of shaving rash or razor bumps. However, it’s important to remember to dilute it before you apply it to your skin, as it is a very strong oil.

Hot Compress

One of the simplest ways to treat your razor bumps is with a hot compress. Simply soak a cotton wool pad in hot water and press it gently against the affected skin. The heat from the cotton wool will open your pores, allowing the trapped, ingrown hair to free itself.

Razor bumps can be uncomfortable and irritating, so try these remedies out if you want to see a difference in no time.