home extention

Nowadays, people are more likely to remain in a property for a longer period of time than they used to. Maybe it’s because people get used to their neighbourhood and don’t want to switch to a new one.

Whatever the reason is which makes people stay in their properties longer, the results include more people choosing to get property extensions.

Property extensions are common because it means people can upgrade their homes without having to buy a new one. Transporting all of your household items to new properties can be a laborious task. Plus, factor in the increased cost of a new property compared to extending your existing home, and you might find it’s more economical to do the latter. Extensions can be a pain-staking but rewarding task, but to make it easier, you should seek advice from someone like My Build Estimate.

There’s A Lot Of Things To Consider When Planning An Extension

From getting planning permission to deciding on a final design for your new extension, organising and finalising the details of an extension can be an extremely daunting task. If you do it right, it’s likely to be a decent investment. This is why you should look to professionals for advice, as they can give you guidance through every step of the process.

  • Property access considerations – You need to think about whether your extension is either going to partially block existing access to your property, or require even more. Planning permission proposals can be dismissed if it appears your extension is going to cause congestion problems, so it’s best to seek guidance from experts when considering how property access is affected by the extension.
  • Getting the best design – Just because you’re well aware of the fact you want a bigger kitchen, you probably don’t know too much about how you’re going to design the extension that will accommodate the kitchen of your dreams. Extensions require careful planning, and you need to make sure you have expert advice to ensure you make the most out of your new space.
  • Lessening the negative effects for your neighbours during construction – If you live in a terraced house, you may well have the room for an extension that will create a bigger kitchen while sacrificing some back yard space. But where are you going to put the skip for all the rubbish and is this going to affect the neighbours in any way?

Having a part of your house extended is not a bad idea. It can increase our home’s value, and the investment of doing the extension in the first place may work out cheaper than purchasing a new property altogether that has more room. Just remember that planning and carrying out extensions is hard work, even if the results will be well worth it. Make sure you seek expert advice before you start making solid commitments to your property extension dreams.