Octan Ibiza new club opening

Welcome to Octan Ibiza, a new club concept cutting a path through Ibiza’s hectic club landscape. Octan Ibiza offers an alternative to the traditional Ibiza club experience, something more intimate and personal, more welcoming and inclusive.

Aiming to bring back a little culture to club culture by taking a more creative approach to both the club environment and musical programming. Their diverse musical program will cater to a broad range of musical tastes. Trusted resident DJs will set the tone each night, cultivating their musical identity and maintaining the consistency of quality and diversity of sound throughout the club.

Occupying the former Sankeys Ibiza venue, Octane has kept the essence of the buildings gritty warehouse aesthetic, stripping it back to the most essential club elements, dark rooms illuminated with subtle light schemes and resonating with finely tuned sound systems. The club itself is a warren of different environments, low ceiling basements, cavernous main rooms, starlit terraces, secret cinemas and pop-up sound systems. Different rooms, vibes and music culminating in an enthralling club experience.

Preparation on the venue has only just begun and phase one of Octan Ibiza will roll out midsummer. Octan is collaborating with street artists, light artists and av artists. The club itself will act as a blank canvas for these artists and will evolve organically through (in some cases, live and real-time) artworks within and around the venue. Octan is encouraging artists to get in contact with us to get involved in this project, please contact [email protected] with ARTWORK as your email subject and send us your art, this can be light installations, graffiti or any kind of large format visual art.

Octan Ibiza new club opening

The main event residencies and guests will be announced sequentially over the coming weeks. Ryan O Gorman will be Octan Ibiza’s musical director and resident DJ, Stephan Ghenacia, Lindsey Matthews and Kellie Allen will be joining him as the first resident DJ’s to be announced. Collaborations with visual artists such as Nicholas Dixon and Andreas Brooks have also been confirmed for phase one.

The club officially opens on Sunday, 7th of July with the return of Warriors. Steve Lawler heads an all-star lineup, bringing the venue’s most loved party into the new era and the next phase. Fuse frontman Enzo Siragusa and co-resident Seb Zito also head the bill with Warriors resident and rising star Ben Sterling supporting. We will be announcing room two’s lineups later this week. Follow us on social media for regular updates.

Follow Octan on FacebookInstagram and get tickets for the opening party www.octanibiza.com