Personal Trainer and Founder of STONEiMAGE Management

Happy New Year!!!!!

STONEiMAGE Founder and Creator of the TEMPO Circuit


I am Erron Dussard, personal trainer & founder of STONEiMAGE the premier health and fitness service provider. I am the guy to help you achieve your fitness goals this year.

Many of you would have made New Years Resolutions where the focus is on improving your health, getting fitter and losing weight. Its January so the gyms are going to be absolutely heaving but not to worry, to be completely brutally honest, the majority of you who have made the fitness pledge will have given up by February. Main reasons being loss of motivation and lack of results which stems from not having the correct plan of action for transformation.

First things first set yourself a SMART goal

S- specific: Be specific with what you wish to achieve, instead of just lose weight, state the weight or dress size you want to be

M- measurable: How will you know you’ve achieved your goal? measure yourself or weigh yourself at the start

A- achievable:  Can these goals be achieved? Are you ready to commit and hold your accountable

R- realistic: Is your goal realistic

T- timed: Be strict with yourself and name a date when you WILL achieve your goal.

Write your goal down, sign it and place it somewhere you will see it constantly. Its a good idea to take a picture also marking where you are now and then have a clear image of where you WILL be.

I am here to help and guide you through your journey to a better you and first things first is the workout regime.

TEMPO devised by STONEiMAGE Mixes speed of movement to increase muscle & fat burn. The two most common methods for fat loss and muscle building are cardiovascular and resistance exercise, doing them simultaneously within a circuit format gives you the ultimate fat blasting & muscle ripping workout! This is a great workout which can be done in the comforts of your own home without any gym equipment needed, all that’s required is a bit of space and will to work hard.

Quite simply, you will be doing periods of slow strength building resistance exercises followed directly by explosive high tempo fat burning movements. The slow tempo exercises will be done to the formula 4 x 2 meaning on the lowering part of a movement you count 4secs and on the pushing part counting 2secs. The 2nd phase which is high tempo is done as fast as possible working to your maximum capacity. This is done in a circuit style, 1 exercise directly after another for a timed period within a pyramid, as the resistance time goes down the cardio time goes up, and each segment lasts roughly 3mins. A Guaranteed workout to get the heart racing and the fat running.

See below the full workout with pictures and small descriptions for each exercise:

Perform the 2 exercises in pairs following the sequence 1, 2 & 3 completing all 3 sets before taking a 30-45sec rest and moving on to the next pair of exercises.


Push Ups

  1. 20reps
  2. 15reps
  3. 10reps

Mountain Climbers

  1. 10secs
  2. 20secs
  3. 30secs


Hands in line with shoulders, keep body straight and lower yourself down bending elbows and then push back up. To make it easier put knees down
Start in a Push Up position then in a running motion as fast as you can bring alternate knees forward
















  1. 20reps
  2. 15reps
  3. 10reps

Running High Knees

  1. 10secs
  2. 20secs
  3. 30secs


Stand with feet shoulder width apart, have all your weight going through your heels as you sit down to a 90 degree position before standing back up
Run on the spot as fast as you can bringing knees up high





























Chest Raises

  1. 20reps
  2. 15reps
  3. 10reps


  1. 10secs
  2. 20secs
  3. 30secs



Lay flat down on your front and then raise both your chest and legs off the ground and then lower back down
Keep legs straight as you walkout on your hands, get to a push up position before walking back on your hands and standing upright
















1 Leg Deadlift

  1. 20reps
  2. 15reps
  3. 10reps

Lunge Jumps

  1. 10secs
  2. 20secs
  3. 30secs
Stand on 1 leg, lean forward keeping your back straight and lower yourself until you can reach the ground and then raise back up
Step 1 leg in front of the other and then jump as high as you can changing feet in the air. Land and then repeat





























Tricep Dips

  1. 20reps
  2. 15reps
  3. 10reps


  1. 10secs
  2. 20secs
  3. 30secs
In a seated position bend elbows lowering your bum to the ground and then push yourself up
Alternate arms and punch forward as fast as you can






















Ski Sits

  1. 30secs
  2. 20secs
  3. 10secs

Tuck Jumps

  1. 10reps
  2. 15reps
  3. 20reps
Similar to a squat but sit up against the wall with back straight and hold position for the time instructed
Jump up as high as you can bringing both knees up to your chest




























Alternating V Crunches

  1. 20reps
  2. 16reps
  3. 10reps

Bicycle Crunches

  1. 10secs
  2. 20secs
  3. 30secs
Lay flat on your back, bring 1 leg up and then reach for toes, lower yourself and leg down before repeating movement with other leg
Lay on your back with feet off the ground and then rotate your body as you bring elbow to opposite knee and keep rotating as you swap knees and elbows

















Toe Reaches

  1. 20reps
  2. 15reps
  3. 10reps

Leg Raises

  1. 10secs
  2. 20secs
  3. 30secs
Lay on your back, keep both legs up and then perform crunch as you reach for your toes and then lay back down
Lay flat on your back, raise hips of the ground as you kick feet up to the ceiling




























Plank to Push Up

  1. 20reps
  2. 15reps
  3. 10reps

Side Plank with Rotation

  1. 10secs
  2. 20secs
  3. 30secs
Start in a plank position on your forearms, push up on to your hands and then lower back down on to your forearms. repeat
Go into side plank position on your side, balance and then rotate body as you reach underneath yourself before coming back up straight















You cannot out train a bad diet so cut out the fried food, processed meat, large quantities of red meat and late night carbs, combining this workout with a healthy diet will result in you seeing improvements within a 4weeks.

Follow me on twitter for Health and Fitness tips: @STONEiMAGE




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