An au-natural style is a look that is simply timeless from afros, braids, big chops and buns. This look will always keep heads nodding and your style rocking!


Top tips for the natural diva..

1. There are various styles to be tried and tested from braiding, cornrows, colouring, and comb outs. Try them all!

2. Protect and maintain your natural coiffure with a wide tooth comb, water spray bottle and moisturiser.

3. During the UK’s harsh weather conditions why not style your hair in single braids.

4. Being natural can be very experimental so try as many natural products as you can.

4. Single braids is a great hair stuff to have during London’s harsh weather conditions

5. Have fun and be bold, some styles simply look a whole lot better with that extra essence of ‘odd’ added to it.


Natural hair salons in London

Hair Lounge  | Adornment365 | Blaque2Natural | Morris Roots