Olga Roh founded ROHMIR in 2007, having dabbled in other professions such as modelling and psychology; she found her forte in fashion design. The international fashion brand has stores worldwide in the world capitals including Hong Kong and London. Her brand is known for dressing the elite from royalty, celebs, and fashionista’s. Olga was kind enough to take time out from her jet setting lifestyle to give her Top Tips for young Fashion Designers.



  • Never give up your dream. Never believe if somebody tells it is impossible: those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those doing it! It is not the knowing that is difficult but the doing.
  • Don’t make fashion for the fashion magazines only – focus on real customer with fashion style and heart in fashion, but still living in real world.
  • This is a profession to name “homme à tout faire” in French – An ‘all round worker” – so it is my advice to be super multitasking as designer. You have to know so much, be able to be flexible and skilled in many things. Design itself is just one part of the job!
  • Try to create a better world – it can change so much with passion, creativity, designers of today influence the world, sometimes more than politicians.
  • Preserve the old and yet acknowledge the new. This magic word – vintage – is a great source for creative people. Sometimes it is great to find a vintage dress or scarf or jewellery in the street market and the ideas come automatically to your mind.
  • I dreamed a thousand new paths… In the morning I woke up and walked my old path. All advice are good and helpful but everybody has his own way and with a portion of the self confidence you arrive at your destiny.

Take a look at Olga brand Rohmir at You can also follow Olga on twitter.