News and media outlets have issued warnings about the weather this coming winter. Meteorologists and marine scientists alike fear 2015 is set to be one of the coldest yet due to the weakened Gulf Stream (Penn State, 2015).

These wintery forecasts imply that our gardens will be affected more than usual. Additional preparations will need to be carried out in advance to protect our gardens from unexpected snowfall.

Preparing your garden adequately for winter can be a lengthy chore. However, staying organised and managing your DIY projects efficiently will allow you to succeed with flying colours.

There are a couple of important areas on which to focus your attention. Greenhouses and cold frames will require preparation for new harvests. Composite decking will not rot and isn’t labour-intensive to install. Remember to check your garden calendar. Your fence, garden furniture and wooden decking will all require protection to prevent deterioration in harsh weather conditions.

Check your garden calendar

Every gardener knows how important the autumn season is. This is the ideal time to prepare your soil for next year’s harvests. If you have any specific flowers in your garden which require season-specific maintenance it is important to check and consult your garden calendar.

If you are looking for a more generalised garden calendar you can rely on online sources. The Royal Horticultural Society has a great calendar resource for British gardens.

Greenhouses and Cold Frames

The most common jobs in autumn include emptying your greenhouses and cold frames. Preparation for these spaces is important since vegetables in cold frames will not survive the winter, especially if it gets frosty. Greenhouses, on the other hand, can carry on producing vegetables for your household over the winter. To prepare these all of the mature vegetables will need to be removed. If you have hardy annuals and perennials gather their seeds now to sow again in the springtime.

Protect your wood

You might not have many things outside that need to be prepared for winter but don’t be tempted to neglect your garden furniture or shed. Wood is not very resistant to poor weather and to make your outdoor timber last longer it should be primed and waterproofed before the worst of the winter hits.

It is recommended to use only the highest quality wood protection which will save you money in the long term. For a long-term primer and paint try Sadolin Superdec from Kent Blaxill. This is one of a couple of wood protectors which can be applied on top of your old primer. Just apply a coat or two to considerably lengthen the lifespan of your wood.

Take care of your deck

Decking is a beautiful and often expensive garden feature which can prove tricky to maintain over the winter months. Timber has a natural propensity to absorb moisture and expand if not treated appropriately. Wet wood expands and cracks, and will ultimately distort the overall integrity of your deck.

There are many ways to protect your decking over the winter months including the use of a wax coating to effectively reduce moisture absorption. For in-depth advice head to specialised decking stockists Arbordeck.