PRS for Music Foundation is the UK’s leading funder of new music across the UK. Their mission is to ‘stimulate and support the creation and performance of new music throughout the UK and to ensure that this music is enjoyed by a wide audience’.

In the last 12 years alone the foundation has ‘supported over 4,000 new music initiatives to the tune of over £14million’. It is also delivering the UK-wide commissioning programme New Music 20×12 in partnership with the BBC, The London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games and Sound and Music.It all started in 1953 when PRS for Music reacted to support applications and now here’s your chance to apply for individual funding.

If you’re a solo performer, solo songwriter, composer, promoter or event producer working in any genre, with at least 18 months professional experience, you are able to apply for funding through this scheme.

The PRS for Music Foundation funding for individuals supports:

  • Songwriters and composers who wants to create new work for live performance
  • Solo performers and musicians who want to commission new music which they will perform live
  • Sole traders who are promoting or creatively programming outstanding new music events
  • Touring of new work

Click here to apply. The application deadline is 6pm, April 23 2012. Good luck.