Love him or loathe him…

There’s a new YouTube King in town. South Korean superstar PSY’s ‘Gangnam Style’ is now officially the most-watched video of all time, overtaking Justin Bieber’s 2010 hit ‘Baby’.

The contagious dance anthem has 805,055,375 official views on YouTube, while Bieber’s “Baby” is at 803,847,584 views. “#Gangnam Style just became the most watched video @YouTube!! #History,” PSY tweeted revealing the good news.

The item is also the “Most Liked” video, with a staggering 5.3 million positive votes against 323,000 ‘dislikes.’ Fans of Psy celebrated his triumph, commenting that it took just four months for his video to rocket to over 800 million views.

Check out the record breaking video below: