Richie CampbellRichie ‘Rich Kid’ Campbell has a performing arts CV almost as thick as a telephone directory, with a versatile and impressive show reel to accompany it.

It all started at the Anna Scher performing arts school in north London, when Richie was just a boy and since then, his acting career has gone from strength to strength. Most commonly known for his role as Dominic Hardy on ITV’s The Bill, a lot people do not realise Mr. Campbell’s true acting capabilities. Having worked in film, television and radio for several years, Richie has played a multitude of different characters and a diverse range of roles. Unafraid to throw his hand to new characters and in as many mediums as possible, it was no surprise that Richie embraced his character, Tyrone, so well, completely making moulding him into his very own creation.

‘Tyrone is basically the bully of the area. He’s a guy that has never really stepped out of the area he grew up in. His estate and his area is all he knows and therefore it’s all that matters to him – that’s him for life…’Goon’ for life actually, is what he says.’ He’s just a bit of an all round waste, idiot character, but I like to think he’s got a heart.’

‘Tyrone is very animalistic. He’s a bit of a monster and he looks kind of odd. Some would say he’s a wasteman, I don’t believe he is, because I created him. He’s got a heart man; it’s just deep down inside somewhere. He is a bit hyper, he’s a bully, he shouts a lot and he comes across as a real idiot guy, but he is just lost. He hasn’t ever been anywhere apart from his estate, its all he knows, its what he’s used for survival and without getting too deep, that’s how a lot of people are in life, we tend to do that generally so this is just a very excessive version of that. Like you see guys who are like, he’s got his trousers down, so I’m going to have my trousers down’, so what we did with Tyrone, is we just took it a little bit further and made his whole bum stick out.

BAFTA nominated and shortlisted for the Whatsonstagetheatre Choice Awards, Richie should know what he is talking about in terms of film and you would be silly not to listen to his recommendations.

‘Everybody should go and see Anuvahood because its funny, it’s representative of a time and I think it’s a milestone. That is not being arrogant or big headed or anything, I genuinely believe it is a milestone. It’s definitely a milestone for us…the country, people who understand that genre, people who like that kind of stuff and people who don’t like that kind of stuff and it’s funny, it’s likeable. There are real characters, even though they have been exaggerated and stuff, they are real characters. You will certainly have an opinion on this film and that is always good. If you don’t have an opinion on it, then it’s kind of whatever init.’