On The Road to Becoming A Digital Nomad

digital nomad

The idea of working in an office 9-5 has become obsolete for me and so many other digital nomads across the globe.

In theory, it’s the dream come true, but how can we make it a reality? I meet so many people on my travels and the first thing they ask me is what exactly do I do? In short, I started my own publicity company called Stimulated Media where I work with musicians around the world. I was being referred via email all the time so there wasn’t really a need for me to be in place at a certain time. This is when I decided to take it on the road, at first it was just a trial, a few months and then I would come back and meet my clients. Then I kept going, and since then I haven’t looked back.


I got my break from my blog, I started a hip-hop/soul R&B music site called Stimulate Your Soul. It was just a side-project as I was working a day job at a B2B publishing company. I faffed around a bit with SYS for a while but never took it too seriously. Little did I know that I was basically pushing myself into the music industry, contacting and connecting with musicians without even knowing it. Building my own little network, my own little empire.


These resources pushed me into the music industry and somehow made me an industry expert. So when I thought maybe I should have a crack at publicity I used these contacts and starting hustling. The beginning was kind of slow, but within time as people started noticing what I was doing things really kicked off.


For most creatives, it’s hard being confident in yourself and the things that you do. But once you start seeing results, the hard part gets easier and next thing you know it all becomes too normal. A routine if you will, and you aren’t afraid to put yourself out there anymore. When I approach artists’ to work with me, or when I go to another city I always try to get in touch with the people in the cities and meet up with them. Just to find out what the scene is like there and if they perhaps have anyone I can work it. Even though I have worked on many hip-hop tours and with some amazing artists’ I have to admit I am not all that confident all the time but I let my work speak for itself. Digital nomad support Facebook groups are a huge help as well.


Building up your business and being able to get clients to work with you without ever seeing your face can be hard. But you know what, there are so many companies out there that are outsourcing their work instead of getting in-house people to do it, so why can’t it be you? Make sure they know exactly what you can offer them and your skill sets. You’ll soon realise you’re pretty invaluable. It took me a few months to be able to get a regular cash flow from my business. I’d say the key is to keep pushing, don’t give up and make sure you keep trying to get new clients also. Whether it’s asking your old clients if they have anyone else to work with or even websites that have remote job offers on them are helpful as well. You’d be surprised at how many jobs are now remote.

Follow my journey on Facebook here. 

Or check-out my interviews on Stimulate Your Soul Site 

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