Sydney MC Sam Hunter switches it up with a new vibing feel-good single ‘Catch Ma Drift’.

The single is something new from the hip hop artist, with funky grooves and dance-worthy beats, the track is about enjoying life and the simple things. 

On the single, Hunter said, “Those times when you are swamped, knee deep in work and these social distractions are burning in your mind. Take a breath… Remember it’s all just life, enjoy the time you have and let your hair down. Celebrate the simple things,”

Whilst Hunter has been in the hip hop scene for a while, Hunter notes that the change in direction has been a long time coming. “I’ve always wanted to be the front man of my own funky band! That will cover more than just roots/hip hop music. I’ve adjusted and adapted for so many years with my tone and melody. Now is the time to really showcase to the world what I’m capable of,” he said.

The last few years have been a progressive journey for Hunter, with each release he becomes stronger as an artist and is exactly the type of rapper that should be guiding the next generation.

Garnering love from tastemakers across the globe, Hunter’s previous releases include “Get Acquitted,” “World At My Feet,” ‘The Once A Week EP,’ and ‘Let Me In’.

Links Sam Hunter Facebook