The recent winner of Wayne Rooney’s wife’s ITV show Coleen’s Real Women, Sasha Parker is to front the campaign for Pretty Polly swimwear.

The 24-year-old model talks exclusively to Flavour about Mrs Rooney, juggling motherhood and following in the footsteps of Jamelia and Eva Herzigova.

Tell me about your experience on Coleen’s Real Women?
My experience on Coleen’s Real Women, was amazing. I entered the show on a complete whim, never expecting to get anywhere let alone to the casting days. Being in the final three was brilliant and having makeover days and photoshoots was so surreal.

How did you feel when you won the Pretty Polly campaign out of hundreds of contestants and professional models?
When the final day arrived, I was expecting to feel really nervous. Strangely I felt quite calm. I knew that if it was meant to be, it would be. When we had our interviews with the ladies from Pretty Polly, I just gave it my all (and of course my biggest smile!) and sat back to wait for what seemed an eternity for the results. Hearing my name announced was amazing! That I could be picked from so many women from day one up till now, including professional models. Me, Sasha Parker from Kent!

Jamelia, Eva Herzigova and Jade Jagger are two of the beauties whose footsteps you’re following in. Can you fill their shoes?
I have some very big shoes to fill, but it is an honor to be walking in the same footsteps as so many amazing women.

What’s Coleen like?
Coleen is so friendly, she is very down to earth and she always made a real effort to get to know us. She remembered small details like the names of my children and husband, and we would all just sit there and have a talk and gossip together and have a laugh. Plus you don’t get a sense of this from the show, but she’s stunning too.

Did you get invited to her wedding with Wayne Rooney?
Unfortunately, I didn’t get an invite to the wedding. It was really a close friends and family affair.

What’s your daily beauty regime?
I was taught at a very young age by my father to moisturize daily, and I think this has held me in good stead. My skin is clear and healthy, so when I go out, day-to-day I use a basic blusher and some mascara. I drink lots and lots of water too – it helps to prevent spots. It’s the hair that takes forever. It’s naturally curly, but I wear it straight, so I spend a lot of time with my GHDs.

How has you life changed since being on the show?

Since the show, life has been a bit of a whirlwind, I have been doing lots with Pretty Polly, plus a few other modelling jobs too. I get invited to some amazing events and meet some really nice people as well as support charities that are close to my heart. But I’m really excited about the new TV show I’m doing with Korin Nolan (Channel 5’s Babe In The Booth from The Wright Stuff). I can’t say too much at this stage, but it’s a yummy mummies-based project.

How do you manage to juggle modelling and motherhood?

Juggling motherhood and my career isn’t too bad. My children and I still do everything together – we always have done, and if I’m at work or working late, my husband does his fair share too. Our priority is making sure they have one of us around as much as we can.

To she the Sasha Parker gallery click here

Words by Annika Allen, Photography by Matt Ford



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