Secret Cinema Moulin Rouge

On Friday 1st May, you can open your living room to the sauciest and most flamboyant cabaret known to man as Secret Cinema together with Häagen-Dazs presents the critically-acclaimed musical Baz Luhrmann’s Moulin Rouge for its third Secret Sofa event.

Get ready to travel back in time to 1899 and Paris’ Montmarte neighbourhood where Moulin Rouge plays host to a cast of notorious performers, madames, aristocracy and scoundrels. Embrace the joy de vivre and spirit of Moulin Rouge and be ready for a night of ‘virtual’ extravagance.

And to top it off why not join our online bohemian after party?  From 10pm to 12pm we head back to Le Chat Noir for a night of invigorating, mind-blowing, exquisite music and Bohemian debauchery! Tickets are £10 and profits from ticket sales after production costs and service charges will be donated to the Trussell Trust Reg Charity No. 11105552.

For an initial eight weeks at 7.30pm every Friday, Secret Sofa will facilitate a virtual in-home screening of Secret Cinema’s most celebrated and critically acclaimed films, as well as lesser-known gems.  With bespoke content, character narratives, interactive elements, typical Secret Cinema surprises and Häagen-Dazs for company, people can create their own cinema experiences to enjoy at home.