It’s safe to say the last two years have been like no others. The COVID-19 pandemic has dominated the globe, resulting in 909,000 deaths and 77.1 million cases of the disease alone in the United States.

If you have become infected with COVID-19 yourself, you may need to self-isolate to stop the spread.

During your time indoors, you may struggle with how to keep yourself entertained. When Saturday night arrives, you may normally go out with friends to party. However, you can still have fun at home! Here are some ways to do just that during your self-isolation period.

Play Online Games

If you have a smartphone, tablet, or laptop, all three can be great at keeping yourself occupied during your self-isolation. To speed up your isolation, you can spend endless hours playing online games. Many people love playing at online casinos while they isolate. Not only can you play on exciting titles, but you can also win humungous jackpots too.

If you’re new to the online casino world, you may be interested in free spin bonuses. These are often difficult to find as online casinos normally change them constantly. To get the best offers and spins, click here for more information. Whatever casino games you play, make sure you take regular breaks to give your mind and body a rest.

Have a Movie Marathon

If you’re self-isolating, you may soon grow tired of being within the same four walls. Thanks to technology, simply switching on the television and putting some movies on can be a great way to pass the time and keep yourself entertained, especially on a Saturday night. Rather than thinking of all your friends going out and having fun, find some movies you love, curl up on the couch, and relax.

Whether you’re a lover of horror, romance, thrillers, or comedy, you can pick a wide variety of movies that will keep you entertained. If you’re self-isolating with others, you may need to compromise on what films to watch to keep everyone happy!

Indulge in Treats

For those who have got COVID-19, some may get symptoms, while others may feel absolutely fine. However bad you’ve got it, why not use your self-isolating period as a chance to indulge in treats? When Saturday night arrives, use it as an excuse to order takeout. While you may not be able to venture outdoors, that doesn’t mean tasty food can’t be delivered to your door. As long as you keep a distance from the delivery driver, you can order anything that satisfies your taste buds.

As well as takeout, why not order some snacks in? If you’re planning a movie night, you’ll want to be armed with lots of popcorn and candy throughout. Try and look at the positives while you isolate, and don’t feel guilty for indulging!

Make Time to Relax

For those who are always on the go, having to isolate at home may be a blessing, rather than a curse. This is because you have the opportunity to put your feet up and fully relax and unwind. Whether you’re always working or running errands, being able to sit down and stay still can do wonders for lowering stress and blood pressure.

There are lots of things you can do at home that can help you truly unwind, such as running a hot bath. As you soak in the bubbles, the chances are you won’t be jealous of your friends going out and having fun. You deserve to reward yourself, so if you’re not feeling well from COVID-19, doing anything relaxing may help in speeding up the healing process.

Have a Dance

For those who are normally on the dancefloor on a Saturday night, you don’t have to put your feet up necessarily during your self-isolation. Of course, you can’t go outdoors and head to a nightclub, but you can bring the party to your living room! Simply put on Spotify, find a playlist you love, and dance the night away in the comfort of your own home. The great thing about this is you have full control of what music you dance to! If you don’t have any COVID-19 symptoms and you feel good, having a dance can keep your spirits up during self-isolation.

If you’re feeling lonely and don’t like the idea of dancing on your own, why not FaceTime with a friend or family member? You may find they’re isolating too, so putting on some music and having a dance together virtually can be great for keeping you upbeat. After dancing for hours, you’re sure to drift off into a good night’s sleep.

Sure, you may be confined to your house during your self-isolation period. However, that’s not to say you can’t have lots of fun. Whether you binge-watch movies, play exciting online games, or use this time as an excuse to order takeout, you can still have a great Saturday night without having to leave the front door.

Image via pexel