So it’s coming up to Valentines Day, and you want to cook something special for your other half. With that in mind I thought I would share the most aphrodisiac rich foods so that you can plan the menu your way!

Chocolate & Strawberries. Is there anyone out there who doesn’t love chocolate? Not only is chocolate an aphrodisiac, but it’s also actually scientifically linked to a happier and more romantic life.  Kill two birds with one stone and try chocolate covered strawberries! This combination is likely to be an especially potent mix, as strawberries are also considered an aphrodisiac. Plus the vitamin C in them is known to help regulate sexual hormones.

Oysters. People either love or hate oysters, so before you serve this well sexy food to your Valentine, make sure you know their preference. Scientists say oysters are considered a romantic food not only because of their suggestive shape, but because they contain acids and vitamins that increase testosterone levels.

Asparagus & Truffles. It’s not just the vegetable’s evocative shape that makes it one of the world’s sexiest foods. Asparagus is also packed with vitamin E, which is scientifically linked to increased sexual hormones. Truffles are known to release chemicals called pheromones that help raise sexual responses in women.

Potatoes. Would you believe it? The humble potato has actually long been considered a sexy food. Scientists now know they do many of the same things chocolate does to the brain: They raise serotonin levels, making people feel happier and more romantic. So what is the best potato to go for? Jersey Royal Potatoes are a particularly powerful aphrodisiac for women as they have a smell that’s reminiscent of the musky aroma of a man.

Ginger. During ancient times, this aphrodisiac was not only both rubbed on the body, but also eaten for its aphrodisiac affect. Scientists now know ginger contains compounds that help increase circulation, which in turn can lead to easier arousal.

Bananas. OK so looking at the shape of a banana, it’s fairly obvious why it is classed as an aphrodisiac. You’ll also find that bananas are loaded with potassium, magnesium and B vitamins. It also contains ch-elating minerals and the bromeliad enzyme, which is said to enhance the male libido.

Garlic. Yes garlic is quite pungent, but is packed full of allicin which is an ingredient that will increase blood flow. Need I say more?

Red Wine. Not only will it relax you faster than a neck rub can, red wine contains resveratrol, which is an antioxidant that helps boost blood flow and improves circulation. Go easy on it though! You don’t want to be drunk before the meal arrives, and then of course dessert….

So there you have it. A few aphrodisiacs for you this Valentines day. Have a happy one!

Any questions/comments why not contact me at [email protected]

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Until next time…

Peace! x