Ah, Valentine’s Day! The one day of the year which reminds you how single you really are.

Before you have a mental breakdown about how lonely you are, we have done you a massive favour. Yep, we’ve created a list of how to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

Call us crazy, but why be ‘Anti-Valentine’s Day’ when the one person you should show love to, is yourself!?

Basically what we’re trying to say is treat yourself by celebrating this special day alone. Sounds ridiculous, but we promise, if you follow these 5 ways to spend Valentine’s Day alone, you’ll be thanking us in no time!

Chat and meet new people

Being single is a great time to meet wonderful people. If you’re not one for walking up to a stranger and initiating conversation, then may we suggest you download Huggle. Not only does this social app match you with like-minded people, you can also see who goes to the places you visit. That means if you’re at a bar with your friends, you can tap on your location and see who else goes there. Pretty cool, huh? Use the app for finding friends, dates or both. But most importantly use the app to socialise and meet interesting people who share your passions. *mic drop*

Chat and meet new people

Cook your favourite meal

Whether you cook for yourself, your housemate or your friends – cook your favourite dish. If you don’t know how then invest in a cookbook or simply go to youtube and search the recipe and method. Not only will you enjoy yourself but you’ll be eating, and there’s nothing better in this world than eating good food.

Cook your favourite meal

Go and do the things you’ve always wanted to do…alone

Sounds daunting but actually, this is not only a huge achievement but also a great way to meet people. Always wanted to learn how to draw? Go to a class! Maybe you want to learn French? Book yourself into a session. Now is the time to do things you want to do. One day you won’t have as many opportunities do the things you’ve often dreamt of doing, so go and do it!

Go and do the things you've always wanted to

Enjoy a Netflix Marathon

Have you always wanted to watch a certain box set or movie? Well now is the time, to put on your trackies, get in bed and indulge in a movie marathon. Just make sure you stock up on plenty of junk food to keep your energy up!

Enjoy a Netflix Marathon

Take yourself on a date

Ignore all the couples (they’ll be arguing anyway) and take yourself out on a date. Whether you go to a restaurant or the cinema, take yourself somewhere you’ve always wanted to go. Enjoy your own company.

Take yourself on a date

A partner is for life, not just for Valentine’s Day. If you’re looking for a long-term date, download Huggle