Single vs Double Cuff – Which one is best?

White shirt and gold watch

Choosing the right kind of shirt for the right occasion is an important skill for every man to learn.

After all, none of us wants to turn up to an event and find ourselves the odd one out, either because we’ve overdressed or because we’re too casual.

To avoid this kind of situation, it’s important to know more about the different shirts for men available.  And obviously, a key part of a shirt’s style is whether it has single cuffs or double (French) cuffs.

Single cuff

A single cuff wraps around the wrist and is usually fastened with one button, although it may have two or three. It’s the cuff that’s most commonly seen nowadays as it’s very versatile and easy to wear. Office shirts for men, flannel shirts, linen shirts, and denim shirts will normally always have this style. The cuff can also come in different shapes—squared, angled or round—meaning it can be adapted to almost any outfit.

Single cuffs are easier to wear. They are also easier to undo and roll up on a hot day. There is no need for cufflinks, meaning they can also be a cheaper option.

Double cuff

A double cuff is double the length of a single cuff. It is folded back over itself and secured with cufflinks. It is more complicated than a single cuff and it definitely conjures up the air of something more formal. Because of the need for cufflinks, there is also the opportunity to personalise your look.

It’s best not to take your suit jacket off with a double cuff shirt, as it looks best as part of a formal outfit. As such, if the weather is warm, try to make sure that the suit is thin so that you aren’t too tempted to remove the jacket.

A day at the office

Since the pandemic, it’s fair to say that some of us have changed our approach to work attire. Whether we are working from home, hybrid working, or simply working at a different pace, the workplace isn’t quite as formal as it used to be. As a result of this, a recent survey by Captivate shows that 53% of business professionals now say their clothing has become more relaxed. Despite this, there is still definitely room for the shirt.

If you aren’t new to your company, the chances are you have a good idea of how formal your office is. Under normal circumstances, a double cuff shirt would add that little bit of class to your look. However, if people are walking around in jeans or chinos in the office nowadays, it’s best to wear a single cuff design.

Dress down Friday

This is definitely a single cuff event. The relaxed feel of the single cuff is perfect for dress down Friday, especially when teamed with jeans or a casual jacket. A double cuff shirt would just seem too overdressed and out of place here.

Black tie event

This is one of those times when a single cuff shirt just won’t do. A tuxedo or three-piece suit definitely needs a double cuff shirt to add that extra touch of style and elegance.

And there you have it – everything you need to know about single cuff vs double cuff shirts.

Image via unsplash

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