
When packing for a summer holiday, it can be difficult to decide exactly what you should take with you.

Whether you don’t want to carry a massive bag, or you’re trying to avoid airline charges for those extra kilos of weight, packing light and following some simple steps can help you make the most of your holiday. Below, we’ve rounded up some top tips and travel essentials for you to keep in mind when packing for your summer getaway.

Bring a Toiletries Kit

European regulations mean you can’t take any of your usual toiletries onboard flights, but if you want to freshen up when you’re high in the sky, try a travel essentials kit, which includes all of the necessary products you’ll need in miniature form.

Pack Pool Essentials

In all the excitement of a sunny getaway, it can be easy to forget the essentials you need for a day at the pool or beach. Don’t forget to take a beach bag to store your items, some sunglasses, a beach towel, a waterproof case for your cameras and phones, and a fan to keep you cool.

Roll your Clothes

To maximise on space, make sure you roll your clothes before you fold them. This way, your clothes can be packed tightly together which will save on space so you can avoid that dreaded second suitcase. As an added bonus, rolled clothes usually stay crease-free, so you won’t need to iron them again when you’re trying to enjoy your holiday.

Buy a Lightweight Suitcase

Many modern suitcases feature bulky and heavy designs – although they look great, they add extra weight at the baggage scanners, and they’re hard for you to carry. Invest in a lightweight suitcase or bag, usually made from polyester, to save you money and arm-ache!

Leave the Bulk at Home

If you’re planning a summer getaway and want to save space in your suitcase, leave any unnecessary extras at home. Do you really need to bring that second bottle of perfume?! Holiday essentials like towels and soaps are usually included in your hotel rooms, and heavy toiletries like shaving cream and shampoo can be picked up cheaply while you’re abroad.

Avoid Nasty Spills

There’s truly nothing worse than opening your suitcase back at the hotel room, only to discover your sun cream or hair conditioner has leaked all over your summer wardrobe. To avoid any unwelcome spills or leaks, make sure you keep all of your toiletries together in a plastic bag or use sticky tape to cover the lids of your products to prevent spills.

Don’t forget the Sun Cream

If you’re going to be exposed to the sun, it’s essential you back some high-factor sun cream to protect your skin. Even if you can catch a tan easily, it’s important to stay protected to avoid damaging your skin. Cancer Research recently revealed that malignant melanoma incidence rates have increased by 360% since the 1970s, so it’s more important than ever to be sun-smart.