Melissa Benoist is Supergirl and much to our joy, the 2015 Supergirl trailer has now been released. If you watch the full trailer above, like us, you may just shed a tiny tear at some of the scenes from the trailer.

Yes shed a tear, as the trailer is heartfelt, its classic teen cheese, yet adorable teen cheese. Some people will be up in arms at the trailer and the series, people who may have wanted to see Supergirl in a more powerful, more stronger female type role, but for me I think the beauty is in the fact that she becomes more powerful and that you see her geeky side… Its the age old zero to hero story.


‘It’s not a bird, it’s not a plane, it’s not a man. It’s Supergirl’.

Reaction’s from twitter have been varied see below:

See for yourself, what do you think of the new Supergirl trailer?

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