Now and again I come across a new face that I feel would be a good addition to the iCandy fold. One such girl is Suzie Shaw who caught my eye and whom I think we could be seeing a lot more of in the coming months. So making her iCandy debut – but by no means her last appearance I’m sure – is the new chick on the block Suzie Shaw

Hi Suzie! Welcome to iCandy! How are you doing?

Hello. I’m great thanks, happy to be doing this interview for iCandy 🙂

You look amazing and your shots are super hot! What got you started in the industry?

Thanks so much I really enjoyed the shoots! Well, I had wanted to model for years and thought – it’s now or never! I took some snapshots at home and started to send them off to agencies and magazines before I knew it I was signed and shooting most weeks! I’m loving it! 🙂

Who would you LOVE to work with – what’s your dream?

My favourite glamour model is Lucy Pinder – such a natural beauty. I would love to be able to shoot with her and feature in lad’s mags on a regular basis and hopefully get my front cover!  To make a career from a job I enjoy is a dream to me!

What do you love about modeling?

I do love getting glammed up and shooting but I also love to see the shots once they are finished and see what you have achieved with the photographer.  I have also met loads of new friends through modelling which is lovely.

Do you have any pet peeves about being a model though?

Some people can be very quick to judge you which is fine; everyone is entitled to their opinion, I would just rather they kept it to themselves sometimes!

What have you got coming up in the pipeline?

I am in close contact with a top lads mag (Nuts) and we have some things planned for the next couple of months, my 10 rude questions feature will be published August/September time.  I have a few other shoots planned including a Front Magazine style shoot, which I am really excited for, as I love that look… Lots more exciting things to come so look out for me 🙂

Are you single?

No I’m not single, I have a very supportive and loving boyfriend my ‘Mr Perfect’ who I have been with for a year now

What are your must haves and mustn’t haves in a partner?

He must have presence and personality and I could never be with someone who had no ambition or drive

What is your special talent or party trick?

When I have had a drink I like to think I can do the splits…. The next day tells me otherwise!

What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?

I cant think of one particular thing if I’m honest… had some pretty crazy girly holidays in the past though, 18-30’s have a lot to answer for!! (Laughs)

Complete the sentences: my guilty pleasure is...Geordie Shore… A lot of people slate it but I am hooked!

The way to impress me is…To shock me, but in a good way and if you have Magician skills on par with Dynamo!! That would be pretty impressive

My biggest turn on is…Confidence is very sexy and of course tattoos, the more the better!

I can’t live without…My Blackberry – I have a very unhealthy addiction!

My superhero power would be…The power of persuasion, I could make everyone do what I want!

You find a magic lamp! What 3 things do you wish for? Unlimited money, good health and make Sundays official Duvet Days 😉

Suzie, thanks so much for stopping by, it’s been an absolute pleasure to feature you! What’s your parting message for everyone?

Thanks iCandy for having me and thank you to everyone for reading… Please like my page www.facebook/MissSuzieShaw for regular pics and updates and don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @MissSuzieShaw84 care and hopefully I will see you again soon xx MWAH xx

Photography by the awesome

Interview by Gareth Long



  1. As I previously tweeted, nice insight into the personal life of rising model Suzi Shaw from Stockport, which is round the corner from myself.

    Tweeted her a few time complimenting her fledgling modelling career. Hope there is more to come 🙂

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