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5 Reasons Leeds is Great for Startups

In recent years Leeds has become a hotspot for startups. With a rich industrial history, The city is evolving into a dynamic hub for...

9 Ways to Turn Your Essay Draft into a Polished Piece

Many students find text editing a boring task. In addition, when you proofread the same piece for hours on end, you can hardly notice...

5 Wonderful Post-Lockdown Workspaces

Covid-19 has impacted every aspect of our lives and while we strive to get back on track, one issue that’s been thrown into stark...

Are Garden Offices the Future for the UK Workforce?

When it comes to our work life, the COVID-19 pandemic impacted all our lives in one way or another. For those in occupations where...

5 ways to stop procrastinating

Are you procrastinating right now? Is there something you know you should be doing but are currently putting off? If so - you’re in...

3 Tips To Find The Nexus Of Your Niche

Whether you’re at the start of your career or an established professional, it’s natural to want to stand out from the crowd. But it’s a...

The Best Heating Systems for Open Plan Offices

Energy, and heating, in particular, is one of the largest operating costs in any business. Any business owner wants their team to be comfortable in...

Indications of a Bespoke Lead Generation Service Provider

LinkedIn as a platform has emerged as a go-to application for prospective job searcher and providers alike. From top-rated companies such as Boston Consulting Group,...

Sites to Help You Pass CompTIA SY0-501 Exam. Are Dumps Best...

Inadequate resources for study and practice can inhibit your progress when preparing for any exam. They can also mislead you so that you end up...

5 Ways to Maximise Productivity At Work

When you’re at work, one of the most crucial factors is how to maximise your productivity. By doing so, you’ll be able to increase your...

How to make being on a mobile at work part of...

The productivity of your staff has a large impact on whether or not your organisation is successful. A productive team works collaboratively, improving morale...

How You Can Minimise Stress as an Employer

Every hardworking professional can suffer from stress in the workplace, which can take its toll on their mental and emotional wellbeing. As your business can...

Bringing Your Workplace Together

The workplace is a second home for most people, especially if it’s a nine to five job. Lots of employees spend more than half...

4 tips for ensuring your startup remains a happy place to...

Successful businesspeople aren’t necessarily more talented than other members of the population — but they often recognise opportunities others miss, formulate unique solutions and...

Sitting comfortably? Ensuring your posture is in correct form through your...

When working with computers our body can begin to slouch in our seats, and we often tend to assume very unhealthy positions after a...

Looking Your Best, Even When You’re On the Job

Not everybody is skilled at business and professional clothing. No matter what your job, if you work in an area where you are visible...

Most dangerous industries uncovered

Both in the UK and around the world, there are industry sectors that are unquestionably dangerous. Whether a job in question involves handling toxic chemicals,...

Rihanna Work (Explicit) ft Drake in gifs and video clips NSFW

Rihanna has unleashed the brand new video for Work ft drake and its slightly NSFW. Coming from Rihanna’s eighth studio album ANTI which is out...

Iggy Azalea debut album “The New Classic” get release date of...

Monday 21st April brings the release of Iggy Azalea’s highly anticipated debut album, ‘The New Classic’. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBBA3LHzowUThe Australian rap siren has made her mark across the globe...

Apply for Careers Insight & Workshops for BME students

The ACS in the City has upcoming exclusive career insight/workshop days for current students and recent graduates from the African and Caribbean ethnic background...

Learn how Joanna Abeyie became a Rockstar in business

The Rockstar Youth Start Up Loans programme is a part of the £82.5m government programme that has been launched to support 16-24yr old young...

The chance to produce your own music

Want to find out about how the music industry works? Interested in producing and recording your own tracks using a professional recording studio? Want...

How to get a job in the media

Every year literally thousands of people apply for jobs in the media. Some apply for specific jobs, others do speculative applications. How do you...