Agent Provocateurs stunning new lingerie collection will allow you to tease and please with ease in the fantasy world of AP.

The world of AP exists to fuel your fantasies and explore your femininity. Come as you want, never apologise and defy expectations in the sexiest, wildest, most exhilarating club in town and their new buy now pay later by Klarna means you’ll have 30 days to try them on for size, return the ones that you don’t want to keep, and only pay for the pieces you love.

AP is a party for your alter ego, a stage to set free the most intimate depths of your personality. The founding members of Club AP show how it’s done with searing talent, sensuality strength and love.

The rock. Always one step ahead of the game. In total control, 100% dedicated to her craft and her girls.

Quiet and mysterious by day, at night she makes poetry in dance. A mesmeric artist in body and mind.

A split personality that is impossible to pin down. And impossible to stop.

Lives life on the edge with hypnotic energy and grace. Life is never dull when she’s around.

Defy expectations in the sexiest, wildest, most exhilarating lingerie in town… Visit Agent Provocateur now