So it came to my attention that a campaign has begun to have an age limit when infants and children can have their ears pierced.

I have my ears pierced and I can remember at what age, I was 8 and I had made the hell bent decision that I was ready. I fought for my right with conviction and took the pain like a man shall we say but I know so many people that never experienced that piercing buzz quite literally, who are probably really pleased that they went through that process without recollection.

I’ve signed no petition, I’ve not quarrelled with friend or foe but if I were forced to choose a side I would say that there should be an age limit.


People may say it’s nicer for the child to not have to experience pain but pain is part and parcel of growing up and we have to like it and lump it, especially as women. I don’t look down on parents that take part in this activity but I know I won’t be doing it to my future children. Just like we have the law of when it is acceptable to drive, to drink, to have sex or get a tattoo, I don’t see why pricking a vulnerable child’s ear is any less worrying because you wouldn’t let that same child do any of the previously stated things. Would you? No, you wouldn’t see it fit to give your child a tattoo so what makes one needle less of a risk than the other?


The petition is currently at 41,299 signatures out of the needed 45,000 with the author of the petition describing infant piercing as an act of parental vanity that should be no different than that of an adult who would face slur if they smacked their child.

I’m not saying the age limit should be 18, 16 or 13, that’s probably too high and will just have young teens finding a way to get a make shift piercing but I don’t think our children are going to hate us if we give them the freedom of speech to decide the fate of their ear flab when they can utter the words “yes” or “no!”

I don’t know about everyone else but getting my ears done was a lovely experience, a day out with my mum and sister that had me counting down my school week until Saturday approached. I was chuffed to bits and although not a biggie life experience, something I can remember from my childhood.

The campaign may be hasty, after all infants and toddlers have been getting their ears pierced legally for many a time and I’m yet to hear of a lawsuit filed against someone’s parents but remember when smacking your child was seen as acceptable and is now taboo.

Now all those who got their ears pierced as a lil’un, form an orderly queue to receive your cruelty pay out.