Having just recently returned from a wonderful trip to the Caribbean Island named Grenada and dubbed the ‘Spice Island’, I simply had to write this special feature on the picturesque Petite Anse Hotel.
Its not called the ‘Spice Island’ for nothing. Grenada is home to the nutmeg and not only does it have nutmeg in abundance but it’s also home to a glorious range of other spices and fruits.
Once of the nicest things about Grenada, is that fact that its pretty much unspoilt. Its only of those Caribbean Island that you almost do not want to get developed. OK, the locals might think differently as they probably want the technology that we are used to in the first world. However, as a visitor, you’ll see that the island is beautiful and green and still on the rise.
We will be writing full report on Grenada, shortly which will include, the best places to stay and best things to do whilst on holiday in Grenada.
In the meantime however, let me draw your attention to a beautiful and peaceful family run hotel is the far north of Grenada. I use the word hotel lightly as the Petite Anse Hotel is a beach front cottage style hotel, rather than a huge multiplex style venue.
Here’s 8 reasons you need to stay at the Petite Anse Hotel
1. Away from the hustle and bustle
When you think Grenada, most people will think of the main town St Georges. Don’t get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong with St Georges, if you like the hustle and bustle of a Caribbean city. However if you head north, to literally the other side of the island (roughly an 1 and half hour drive, where you get to see the beautiful views along the way), you’ll then reach to a vibrant little town named Sauteurs.
From Sauters, the Petite Anse hotel is probably a 5 min drive or 15 min walk (sometimes the walk can take up to 30 mins, if you like stopping and taking photos of the sea along the way, like I do). And when you arrive, you will be blown away.
2. The arrival at the Petite Anse Hotel
Once your arrive at the hotel, you will be greeted by friendly staff that have been trained to a high standard of accommodating your needs.

Check in is pretty swift and as the hotel only has 11 cottages and 2 honeymoon suites, you can be sure that you are treated like a real person rather than a room number.
3. The view from the restaurant
Once you have checked in, simply take another 15 steps or so and you will reach the restaurant. Once you reach the restaurant you will see something almost heaven like. The view from the restaurants outside area is literally once of the most prettiest views I have had the pleasure of seeing in a very long time.

It’s so picturesque, you will try and try and try to capture the scene on your camera, however you will probably be a tad upset, when you realise that your camera simply cannot capture the full beauty of the view. The lens just can’t do it.
4. The cottage style rooms at the Petite Anse Hotel
There’s something quite homely about the cottage style rooms at the Petite Anse Hotel. They are by not the largest cottage style rooms I have seen, but they are by no means not small. They seem to be perfectly sized for a romantic couples getaway to the Caribbean.

The queen sized four poster bed is situated right in the centre of the room agains’t the far wall and sets the scene on arrival. Each cottage comes with an en-suite, wardrobe, chest of drawers, air condition and a nice little desk with a kettle for your morning tea or coffee before you head over to the restaurant for breakfast.
5. The owners
I don’t usually take about the owners of a hotel, but on this occasion it’s totally necessary. The Petite Anse Hotel is own by Philip and Annie Clift. You might see Philip in the reception area when you check in, he might be there typing on his computer and checking everything is ship shape and up-to-date while the staff check you.
Philip is came across as a nice man, but not one for a bunch of small talk. He’s very humble, very quiet and you almost feel like you can see the cogs ticking away in his head, while he’s making sure the business is running smoothly. Don’t expect too much conversation from Philip, however do be prepared to listen when he does speak as he has a wealth of knowledge and wisdom to share once he lets loose.
Annie on the other hand is the complete opposite. Flamboyant and bubbly, Annie is a great host, she has Caribbean stories for days and will keep you entertained. You can see why they are a good match as they complement each others personality. Annie will make sure you are enjoying every moment of your stay. If you need to do a day trip somewhere, then speak to Annie and she will sort it all out for you while giving you tips on things to do and what to see.
For me being a younger person (only ever so slightly, just in case they read this lol) than Philip and Annie, they felt like the uncle and aunt that you wish you had. Lovely people, charming personalities and great company when you get to meet them.
6. The food
The restaurant serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. You also have the option to order food throughout the day if you get hungry. The produce is locally sourced which gives back to the Grenadian community.

The dinner menu has a choice of options, so whether you are a full blown carnivore (like myself), pescatarian or vegetarian, you’ll find something to suite your needs. You can find all the menu’s here and below is a few photos from my dinning experience at Petite Anse.
7. The beachfront
The Petite Anse cottages all lead down to a completely secluded cove style beach that you can enjoy at your leisure.

Think sand, sea and beautiful sun-rays and you’ll start to get a picture of the beach

8. This video
I could continue writing pages and pages, but seeing is believing and this video says it all.
For more information and to book your room simply visitwww.petiteanse.com where you can either call or book online. For flights to and from Grenada, simply book online with Virgin Atlantic.
And take a look at this destination postcard to Grenada, you’ll find it insightful.