Flavour is looking for active Flavour Mag readers based in London aged 18-25 to be featured on our WEBSITE!



Why? I hear you ask. 

We are giving you the chance to be on Flavourmag.co.uk in your own personal video documentary about YOU! This is part of Flavours new monthly video upload called “Readers Diary”. Competition for this will be hot so send in your application now!

What is “Readers Diary”?

We will follow you in your daily routine showing everything you do whether its dancing, music performance, fashion, acting, sports, urban sports or even if you do work for the community. We want to see what Flavour readers are like and how Flavour magazine influences lives.







What We Want!

  • Young
  • Ambitious
  • Outgoing
  • Interesting
  • Enthusiastic
  • Creative’s

What Do You Get?

  • To be followed by Flavour Mag for a day in your life
  • To inspire others & tell your story
  • Chance to showcase your talent
  • Get to feature on the Flavour Mag website

What will happen?

If you are successful in your application we will organize a day that the filming can take place. (Remember that this is to be put on the website so we’d rather you didn’t invite us round on a duvet day!)

How can I apply?

Applying is easy, just send an email to [email protected] including your name, contact details and quote “Readers Diary”. Then we will email you back asking why you think you should be involved!

We look forward to hearing from you soon!