In many parts of the world, you get dentists who offer the usual services such as bonding, teeth whitening, teeth extractions and cavity fillings, and then some offer what they call “specialist services” on top of these common treatments.

Below we look at what this is, and which procedures fall under this category of services.

A Specialist Service In General

In layman’s terms, a specialist or specialised service is usually a service that supports some of the more complex issues of patients, in the context of the medical sectors. In the dental sectors, there are these, and not all dental work in Calgary falls under a specialized service unless it is slightly more complicated and will take more time and equipment to complete, or more than one session at the dental practice.

Multidisciplinary clinics and practices commonly offer these services and knowing what to look for can save you a lot of time and money in going from one dentist to the next. There are three main types of procedures that fall under this and we look at them below, but also some other ones that may be included as well.

Dentofacial and Orthodontics

The correction and prevention of malocclusion of the teeth are what’s known as Orthodontics, and is related to dentofacial issues. The best time to handle these issues is before the child becomes an adult, as the teeth can grow according to the bone and movement of the teeth. When you are an adult, it may not be as effective as your teeth have already assumed their position and it may prove more difficult to change facial structure.

Dentists would need to master these treatment options to offer them. According to a Canadian website, almost 4 million people in Canada are receiving this specialist treatment, and the rewards are great for both children and adults. Braces, for instance, can be highly beneficial when inserted into a youngsters teeth so they do not suffer any chewing or overbite issues as they grow older.

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

This is a dental speciality that deals with an initial diagnosis, followed by surgical treatment of any related injuries of the mouth or jaw, and defects of the jaw, and diseases associated with oral well-being.

Tooth extraction, for instance, is an example of this, where the specialist removes teeth that are incorrectly growing or misplaced. Treatments of cysts is a slightly more serious issue that needs a specialist to tackle. When adults or children have a cleft lip or palate, this is also something that a specialist dentist can handle.

These are just a few of the many specialized treatments that some well-established dental practices offer their patients. You also get Prosthodontics, Dentures or false teeth and Periodontics procedures. Any one of these needs to be done at a reputable and high-quality facility. Never take chances when it comes to any part of your body just because you can find a cheaper option elsewhere.