Dwayne Williams otherwise known as DBW, is a graphic designer and illustrator hailing from the streets of South London, graduating from the halls of South Bank University with a Graphics Design Degree and real passion for creativity, Dwayne has gone on to work for the likes of GiaRoye Clothing, customising trainers for Nike town and even working alongside the NHS. He continues to grow artistically and has no intentions of stopping!


What has been your biggest achievement to date?
Working for the NHS and producing artwork for them was totally random and pushed my boundaries to prove that I can take on anything sent my way.

In your opinion what is the most fulfilling part of your profession?
Being able to use my creativity to produce work, I feel blessed knowing that I can materialise my thoughts and ideas into art, it is a good feeling and I’m glad I can continue to provide my clients with inspiring idea’s and creations.

If you were not a Graphics Designer what would you consider doing?
Boy I don’t know, I know whatever I would be doing it would have to involve creativity. I have too many crazy fun idea’s and thoughts to just be sitting in an office somewhere crunching numbers!

What motivates you when you have a challenging design task ahead?
Whenever I do have a challenging task I just remember one thing that I live by and stick to. ‘My biggest challenge is myself.’ By this I mean that only self doubt will put me down and give me problems, I look past that and I know I am able to get past any challenge in front of me, being a Graphic Designer is about answering questions, someway, somehow I will find a way to answer and translate it into either, a product or art.

Visit www.myspace.com/dbwthevision or [email protected] for more info.

Words by Kemi Giwa