spAt Flavour we see it as our civil duty to bring you new and unsigned musicians to look out for. So allow us to Introduce SP a spectacular MC hailing from Birmingham. We recently caught up with him for an exclusive chat about his brand new dubstep single ‘It’s Like Arrrrrrrr!’ and a break down of hIs top five favourite artists in his hometown.

How did you get your start in music?
Well I started mcing at 14 while in school but it was when I got in to year 10 that I really started to take things more seriously. My friend Grimes helped me a lot by allowing me use his studio to record my music and to be honest I haven’t looked back since then.

Literally every artist’s have some sort of inspiration whether it be an established musician that they look up to or someone in their life, but what or who’s been inspiring you?

To be honest I grew up around a lot of different genre’s including reggae, r&b and hip hop but a few main artists that have really inspired me to this day are Bob Marley, Black Street, Ghetto, Michael Jackson, Eminem, Tupac and Biggie.

So, you’ve recently released your brand new dubstep single ‘It’s Like Arrrrrrr’ can you tell us a bit about it?
It’s a promo single that I’m hoping to get off the ground and hopefully get people moving along to it.

You class yourself as a grime MC but what made you want to try out dub-step wasn’t that a bit of a risk?
My heart still remains with grime but I believe dubstep is still grime, for an example you’ve got rock and metal I see it as the hardcore version of grime.

What do you hope people get from your music?
Hopefully it will get people to go on a mad one and just to move about, I also want people to relate to my material as I like to keep it real. I’m also getting a lot of feedback and support from my fans so I am definitely happy at right now.

A lot of established musicians nowadays have been complaining about how easy it is for people to illegally download their music, but does the illegal downloading deter you in any way of pursuing your dream?
No not at the moment, but I do believe that it will have an affect once you reach a certain height in your career. However, if you’ve got a loyal fan base then I think that you can count on those fans that you know will go out and support you.

What has been the biggest hurdle for you to overcome so far?
Trying to get radio play to showcase my material which I’m going to admit, can be a bit frustrating when you’re not established.

Here at Flavour we’ve being keeping a close eye on emerging talents out of Birmingham, but if you could recommend any five artists for us to look out for, who would they be?

1. Trilla Jermaine Trilloksi – Simply because he’s currently paving the way for up and coming artists here in Brum.

2. KMan – I have known this guy for a long time and I believe it’s a matter of time before people will start hearing his name.

3. Lady L – What’s can I say she’s doing a lot for the Birmingham hip hop scene and especially for the females.

4. C4 – This rising MC is definitely putting in the work, he’s already got a massive fan base and is doing a lot for the youngsters.

5. Lil Raze – If you’ve not yet heard of this guy then do check him out because he’s not just an artists who’s been doing his thing for a while but he also has a very good business mind.

‘It’s Like Arrrrrrrr!’ is now out. For more info check out Sp at or

Interview by Noel Phillips




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