Britney Spears sexy 2016 photo shoot

Britney Spears looks stunning on the 100th issue V Magazine cover story, just in time for her live concerts in Las Vegas.

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Celebrating 100 issues is a BIG DEAL, and having pop icon Britney Spears on the cover looking uber sexy and scantily clad for the inside spreads wearing risqué leather and lace looks while posing next to shirtless male models is pretty awesome.

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The cover star was photographed by Mario Testino, and Britney wears dreamy clothing from the likes of Louis Vuitton, Balmain, Philipp Plein and more standout in the sexy spread.

Britney Spears sexy 2016 photo shoot

In her interview, Britney talks about her upcoming ninth studio album, handling the spotlight and technology

“Whoever is in the spotlight, people are really quick to judge. I mean, there are a lot of kids coming up who’ve experienced that.”

Enjoy all the images and cop yourself a copy of V’s 100th issue, or maybe even take a flight to Las Vegas to see Britney perform LIVE…?