Set in London, ‘Brothers With No Game – The Web Series’ follows the social and romantic lives of four friends facing a ‘quarter-life crisis’. The 20-somethings come to terms with the responsibilities and dilemmas that revolve around work, family, friendships and most notably, women. Their distinctive personalities and ever-changing love lives are paralleled with a strong friendship and one common, trait…they have no game.

The ‘brothers with no game’ made up of Dorian, Marcus, Junior and Theo launched the trend setting blog page of the same name a few years ago after spending a valentines day together with none of them having a girl to share it with. They found solace in the confines of a living room discussing old topics in which they could find new answers to and creating popular blog posts such as ‘I wouldn’t leave my job but here are 6 reasons why I could’, ‘Catwalk Superstar, Domestic Disaster’ and ‘Man Code’.

Fast forward a few LA-based Black Weblog Awards later and a 700,000 unique visits to date, the web series includes women in the cast showing views from both sexes which promises to ‘edutain us all’.

Here are the official ‘Brothers with no Game’ Teasers:



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