After visiting the Suicide Girls Blackheart Burlesque show in Camden, and seeing the stunner Rebecca Crow Aka Katherine Suicide live on stage. We couldn’t help ourselves and simple had to talk to her.

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If you missed the show, fear not! The Suicide Girls are back in the UK on Friday, August 5, 2016 at the Electric Ballroom (Camden), Get your tickets NOW.

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You might see Rebecca Crow Aka Katherine Suicide walking down Camden, you can spot her a mile off. Simply look into the distance and if you see a beautiful girl, with bold colour hair who is stopping traffic while she walks, then its probably Rebecca Crow Aka Katherine Suicide.

We already done a special feature on Rebecca called ‘10 reasons we follow Rebecca Crow Aka Katherine Suicide on instagram‘ and she also topped our list of the 30 sexiest Suicide Girls of all time, so we are pleased to bring you this one on one interview with our favourite UK Suicide Girl. Rebecca’s videos are too raunchy for this site, but you can view them here.

I do whatever the fuck I want – no one can tell you how to live your life.

Let’s get cracking.

Name: Rebecca Crow (Katherine Suicide)

Suicide Girls page:

Twitter: @katsandcrows

Instagram: @katsandcrows

Best thing about being a SuicideGirl?
All the amazing friends I’ve met ALL over the world! Everyone is just in it to have a good time and meet awesome people.

What’s your stage trick?
I’m a fire performer, I also do angle grinding (the sparks) and striptease.

Best thing about performing on stage?
When you get through a whole act perfectly and the crowd loves it!

Your Favourite Tattoo?
Hard choice! Mine are all so different. Right now its my geometrical and lotus design on my right hip – its by Woodfarm at TokyoTattoo

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Who’s your celebrity girl crush?
Cara Delevigne. Those eyebrows!

Do you get more attention from girls or guys?
It depends where I am and what I’m doing. I get stared at in the street by pretty much everyone.

Favourite place to shop for clothes?
eBay haha, or Camden Market.

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Give us a beauty tip on how you maintain your skin
My skin actually isn’t great, I travel  a lot so its hard to keep a consistent diet which is key I think. Beauty comes from within. So just try and eat as much fruit and vege as you can and drink a TON of water! Water is so important!

Tell us why we should be following you on instagram and twitter.
I think I’m hilarious on Twitter. And I rant a lot about womens rights and politics (sounds boring but its all important!). And you get all my latest photos the second I post them on Instagram.

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What have you got coming up in the pipeline?
London Tattoo Convention is a huge event in my calendar in September so I’m excited for that. Also I’m moving more towards the music industry, I love singing and I love creating music that expresses myself and makes people feel something.

What do you think is the sexiest part of your body?
Maybe my eyes. I communicate a lot with the audience and cameras with my facial expressions so my eyes are pretty key to that.

Tell us 3 things that make you feel confident
1. Doing whatever the fuck I want – no one can tell you how to live your life.
2. Surrounding myself with positive, beautiful women who INSPIRE me, not COMPETE with me.
3. My boyfriend. He loves me and showers me with compliments. Your partner should make you feel like the most amazing person alive and if they don’t – there’s someone else out there who will!

Follow Rebecca Crow NOW and don’t forget to pre-order her 2016 calendar.