There’s a new app in town that promises to make romantic introductions even easier. There are no shortage in online dating apps, with ease of use as simple as a swipe to the left or right to indicate your desire. So just when the market seems totally saturated, and there could be no new ways to hook up, along comes happn.

The idea behind happn is to connect to people whose path you’ve crossed, so if you are at a party or the park and others in your vicinity also have the app they will pop up on your screen. You’ll see how often you’ve bumped into each other before. Very interestingly, you can connect on a shared interest or mutual friends. You like an artist and so does he? It immediately gives you a common ground to begin a conversation. You’re at the same party, great you must have a shared friend or two. Not to mention you can actually look up from your screen and see the person in real time, in real life, no more messing around turning up for dates with people nothing like their pictures.

3- Screen Crush

# Every time you cross someone’s path in real life (who is also on happn), their profile instantly appears on your app. This means that if you walk past four beauties, their profile pictures show up simultaneously.

# Then you can have a look at their profile ! And here you notice that one of the girls you’ve just seen, the cute blonde, studies journalism, just like you ! And that she‘s the same age as you. And that you even have four mutual friends, lucky you !

# But the real question is: does she fancy you as well ? To find out, you can secretly Like her, or even send her a Charm. You’ll know straight away if the feeling is mutual. If it is, then you have a Crush, which allows you to start a conversation and to see each other again for a drink or two.

You can download happn from the App Store and Google Play.