cracking the whip with agent provocateur on valentines da

Valentine’s Day can be pretty boring unless someone decides to spice it up with a bit of seductive flair, a bit romantic passion and a whole load of eroticism.

And let’s face it. Nothing says Valentine’s Day like Agent Provocateur. The name itself speaks volumes. It’s that time when you can throw caution to the wind, crack open the champagne and let loose of your lover.

So with that in mind, lets test that waters a little bit, let’s see who daring you really are… Let’s see if you have the courage to do this in a restaurant on Valentine’s Date and see how to create a seductive dinner date.

Tantalising isn’t it? And BTW we’re not referring to the steak on the plate…

OK, maybe it’s a bit much to try and pull this off in a restaurant full of people? So maybe this is one that you CAN TRY AT HOME.

Agent Provocateur Valentines 2018
Serving only ‘The Best’ with Agent Provocateur on Valentines Day

Failing the restaurant scenario, you can always opt for the slightly safer seductive option of doing something at home. A bit of cake plus lots and lots of cream can go a long way on Valentine’s Day.

Who doesn’t love licking a bit of cream eh? And we’re not referring to the cake…

And how about giving your lover a wake-up call with breakfast in bed on Valentine’s Day? Who wouldn’t want to be woken up to this??

Agent Provocateur Valentines 2018 breakfast in bed
Breakfast in bed with Agent Provocateur on Valentine’s Day

And if none of the above works for you, you can always release your inner dominatrix and crack the whip in true Valentine’s style (probably my favourite of all. It’s all about girl power you know).

cracking the whip with agent provocateur on valentines da

I think I’m getting moist, simply from watching these videos. All I have to do now is find me a victim for Valentine’s Day to do this on.

Set the scene for an unforgettable Valentine’s Day with Agent Provocateur