This article is going to outline our favourite Top 5 Success Stories of the richest stars and entrepreneurs and how you may be able to achieve the status of “filthy rich” with five simple tips.

Top 5 Success Stories

Mark Zuckerberg.


Aged only 28 this man is worth over 13.3 billion dollars. He was a the Harvard university student that created Facebook while still studying. This made Zuckerberg the youngest ever billionaire. We admire him for recognising an opportunity and using the skills he already had to make such a big social network website to make him filthy rich.

Simon Cowell


Aged 54, Simon is worth over 95 million dollars. Simon Cowell is an executive at the record label Sony in the U.K, the second biggest record label in the world He is known for his judging roles on shows such as the x factor, pop idol and American idol. He started in the music business as record plugger and worked his way up to become the best known and most influential executive in the music and television industries. We admire Simon for the work he has put it to take his place at the top.

One Direction


Aged 19-21, each of the members of this boy band are worth an estimated 12 million dollars. They finished 3rd on the x factor and were signed to the Syco music label. They have toured all over the world and dominated the charts worldwide T and they have become one of the most famous boy bands of all time. We admire this band of young boys as they have only been in the industry for 3 years and have become complete successes in such a short space of time.

J.K. Rowling

Television - Who Do You Think You Are? JK Rowling

This 48 year old woman is worth an estimated 1 Billion dollars. She is a British author who wrote the Harry Potter series. Her books were a huge success and the movies made the book even bigger than it already was. She had so little money before she wrote the book that she had to sit in a coffee shop all day as she had no where else to go. In our opinion she is hugely admired for making her one idea into ahuge franchise



This 32-year-old singer is worth an approximate 53 million dollars. Beyoncé has done an incredible amount to earn her filthy rich status. As well as a singer-songwriter she has acted and produced records. She started in the record-breaking group Destiny’s Child and then went solo. She has performed in movies, designed clothes and released perfumes. She is the spokesperson for many campaigns. She is proof that hard work can get you where you are.

5 quick tips on how to reach filthy rich status

  1. Harvest your talents – if you use your talent to the best of it ability it could take you on to great things.
  2. Use every idea you have – if you utilise any ideas you have you never know you could write a smash hit book and make millions.
  3. Be individual – come up with new concepts and you could come up with the next big social media site. Be original and if you can’t be original, be better!
  4. Enter a talent contest – if you have the talent why not show it off you could become the next one direction.
  5. WORK HARD – this is the most important tip, if you don’t work, you cannot achieve, you will not automatically become rich unless you work at what you want to become rich with, all of the celebrities above show this! They have all worked to get to where they are now and if you believe in something never let anyone put you off.

By Sara Cash @saratweedyGA



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