4 lovely ways to preserve memories of your kids growing up

Watching your children grow up is extremely heartwarming and very rewarding, but it can feel like it passes in a flash, so it’s important to keep memories when you can.

You will always remember certain occasions and special times but, over time, they can fade a little. Here are 4 lovely ways to preserve memories of your kids growing up.

Hand and footprints

It’s easy to forget how tiny your baby was when they first arrived in the world. Hand and footprint mementoes are a lovely keepsake that you will treasure forever. Although you can buy kits to do this at home, one of the cheapest, quickest, and most popular methods is to use salt dough. All you have to do is mix flour, water, and salt, take your baby’s prints and then bake in the oven. It’s as simple as that!

If you are feeling particularly crafty, they also make great Christmas ornaments. Punch a hole in the top before baking and add some ribbon to hang them. They make great gifts for all the family, and you can keep them forever.

Record your baby’s milestones

From cutting their first tooth to taking their first steps, it’s very easy to forget your baby’s milestones, so keep a record of them to look back on. It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate, just a list of the milestone and a date.

Another option is buying a baby book, which will usually include lists of milestones and space for dates together with any special photographs you may have. All babies do different things at different times, so it is a nice way to look back and remember the fond memories you have of them growing up.

Have clothes made into a quilt or keepsake teddy

If your children are getting older and you are storing bagful of clothes that you can’t bear to get rid of, a great way to condense them is to have them made into a quilt. These can be put together using either full garments or certain pieces of your most treasured items – resulting in a beautiful yet functional quilted blanket.

Another option is to have a teddy made of your child’s first onesie or even their christening robe. You can, of course, try and make these yourself, but if your sewing skills leave a lot to be desired, there are lots of companies that will make them for you.

Take lots of photographs

When you lead a busy life, it is easy to forget to take photographs often, but it’s something you should try and make a point of doing. As we age, photographs become even more special, so although you might be tempted to put it off for another day, grab your smartphone and take those selfies with your kids. Take snaps of them having fun with their friends or enjoying family time. When your kids grow up, they will love listening to the stories of their childhood and seeing pictures of special times you spent together as a family. In this digital age, taking photographs has never been easier, so make time for it and preserve those memories forever.