bree westbrooks

Over the past few weeks we’ve got to know how the Instagram famous Westbrooks get on with what we believe to be a not so normal life.

We expected drama, we expected attitude and we expected diva ways but BET reality stars The Westbrooks proved that even with millions of followers they’re still very real and very normal.

The life of an instagram poster can sometimes be one that’s rich in vanity and drenched in ego, you know the models and vloggers that post the most stunning pictures and make you green with envy because they never uncover anything other than perfect?! Well the five sisters from California have uncovered raw qualities and emotion that other IG stars leave out. We’ve seen sibling rivalry and support, watched their personal relationships and witnessed their rise to fame whilst achieving their ambitious dreams. Each sister has been extremely unique and middle sister Bree was no different when it came to her individuality.

Related: Crystal Westbrooks 10 reasons why we follow her instagram

The plus size beauty who has just under half a million instagram followers is extremely focused when it comes to what she wants, you could even say stubborn and this could be said in her career and in the relationship between her and her fiance. Brazenly vocal, Bree is unashamed to tell people what is on her mind which works positively for her, she very rarely gets bogged down by over thinking things through… maybe not so great for her sisters when she tells them how it is in Bree Bree’s world.

The 23 year old aspiring model loves nothing more than to promote brands that she adores and believes in but more passionately than that she plans to be a force to be reckoned with in the modelling world. Society is a lot more celebrating of sexy and fuller figured curves and if you take a scroll through Bree’s pictures I think people of all sizes could learn a thing or two about embracing what you were blessed with. A loving mommy to her little boy, she totally lets her guard down when she’s around him and as one fan commented, is a little doppelganger of his grandfather daddy Westbrooks.

Related: 10 Reasons why we’re following Brook Westbrooks on Instagram

Follow Bree to witness her superwoman attitude, make- up wins and perfectly poised poses!

So here’s the 10 reasons why we’re following Bree Westbrooks on Instagram-


A diva is a female version of a hustler and just like Queen Bey, Queen Bree is packed full of Diva style. She used to get posing tips from younger sister India but she’s flying S.O.L.O and giving her a run for her money these days.


Sometimes people say it best when they say nothing at all and this clip just shouts fierce attitude. Remember don’t hate the player, you best hate the game.


With the love of her life, she really let’s her guard down, releasing her goofy side and showing she’s not as thicked skinned as she’d have you believe.


She loves to accentuate her killer curves and is known to use waist trainers, as well as working out with her sisters. Bree knows her role within the Westbrooks sisters market and is using her body to her advantage, showing that plus size is beautiful.


Damn girl! Bree exudes confidence when it comes to her style and the way she looks. You might think that Crystal and India are the most confident of the sisters but we actually think Bree could take the title for loving the skin that she’s in.


Like her sisters Bree takes pride in her hair, embracing curls, flicks and vivid colours. We loved her blue tresses and she’s an advocate for Boho Exotic Studio, regularly getting her hair did.


It’s been interesting to see the relationship between her and her beau, but she’s definitely the female boss in the relationship. She may come across as bossy at times but when you’re the middle child we can totally justify that she’s had to make herself heard.


She’s just a tad opinionated and doesn’t beat around the bush- honesty is definitely her policy.


Bree is so thankful for the support that her followers give her and her sisters.


This could be quite the statement but out of the sisters we think Bree could be top of the selfie pics.

Now press that follow button for Bree Westbrooks at @breecandace.

The new series of The Westbrooks is on UK screen every Sunday on BET at 8pm. Sky 187 / Virgin 184 / Freesat 140.